The last setting in the IED module has a random/enemy controlled/unoccupied choice. What exactly does the enemy controlled/unoccupied do?
The last setting in the IED module has a random/enemy controlled/unoccupied choice. What exactly does the enemy controlled/unoccupied do?
Here you can define locations where Suicide bombers ied and ied vehicles will be spawned.
Random is everywhere on the map/marker
Controlled is there where are enemy operating, opposite to unoccupied.
Like DaVidoSS said, it controls where IED's, suicide bombers etc will be spawned. If you set it to enemy controlled, ied's will only popup in cities/objectives where the insurgents/whatever faction have taken control of. Unoccupied only places them in areas where they do not control
This can come in handy if you only want IED's, suicide bombers, and VBIEDS in areas where insurgents may be operating in order to keep track of how they are progressing.
Thanks for the info!!