War room and after recovering the password

  1. 9 years ago

    Hello to all of Alive,

    I am administrator of the Brazilian arma3 group Combat Tactical Brazil CCT. We already had a record in War room and after recovering the password for the group administrator account, we find that access to the group was lost and the marking on the map the group also disappeared.

    We would like to regain access to this group or can associate the user below as admin group.

    User: admincct
    Email: [email protected]

    This user is already member of the group, just need that it can manage the group.
    If not possible, another option would be the exclusion of the group for it to be newly created.

    Thank you all.

  2. Friznit

    28 Jul 2015 Administrator

    Have made admincct the leader and accepted your outstanding applications.

    I note there is another group called [CCT] CCTBRASIL, which has one admin member called Combate Tático Brasil - I assume that is not the same? Do you want me to remove this group from the War Room?

  3. Deleted 9 years ago by capsoso
  4. if possible I would like everyone to be removed so I can create a new one with the official contacts, understand that other groups have been created by members, thank you

    Sorry for bad english

  5. Friznit

    29 Jul 2015 Administrator

    OK. [CCT] CCTBRASIL has been deleted.

  6. thanks

  7. Hi, I post my message here to dont creat a new topic.

    My problem are : I try to recover my password for warrom. I click on the link in the autogenerate mail but the dont run. I have a error message...

    Any help from a Admin please ? :(

    my mail is the same as this account.

    Tks so much

  8. Checking into it... make sure it's not in your spam/junk folder as well.

  9. Friznit

    19 Jan 2016 Administrator

    Unfortunately there's no admin reset for user passwords. I can change your email address on there and see if that makes the reset option work for you?


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