Is the Australia terrain to big for alive

  1. 9 years ago

    Wanted to use it, looked EPIC, thought it might cause some issues

  2. Edited 9 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    It is not indexed yet, once the next ALiVE update is released (soon™) it should work with no issues.

  3. Edited 9 years ago by PillowTalk

    The size of the map, in my experience, is inconsequential if the map itself is just large, but empty of buildings.

    The slow downs come from parsing all the buildings and spots on the map where Alive wants to spawn stuff. Limiting the TAORs where you want units to spawn to smaller areas helps a lot, especially once you realize the AI will still leave those areas to conduct their operation, the groups just don't get spawned outside of it.

    Of course, like Spyder said, if the map isn't indexed it won't find anything to place stuff at anyway, which is going to be more broken than just slowing down. You can, however, manually index it if you know the object names; but I am not too familiar with how to do that. Seems like it's just one of those things that's simple but time consuming so I haven't tried it.

  4. Unfortunately it's both time consuming and complex/ requires insider tools. You can do a self 'index' but it's never going to be as good or work as well as an official index. Like Pillow said though, the map works fine with ALiVE since the majority is empty land, it might actually run better than most maps since the objective count is lower.

  5. How soon? Like a week or a month?

  6. As with all estimates with regards to Arma modding it will be released when it's ready which is Soon™


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