Transport support and Fast rope script

  1. 9 years ago
    Edited 9 years ago by elitexleader

    Is there a way to use the fast rope script with the transport player support? I have tried but could never get the ropes to deploy.

    Is there a way to get the AI to use parachutes?

  2. Which fast rope script are you referring to? How is it added?


    It is added through init.sqf

  4. I'll take a look when I get home.

  5. Ok

  6. I have been using the same fast rope script with the player transport using insertion without any problems. Only problem we ran into was in multiplayer, seems if more than one player tried ti fastrope at same time one of us would just drop to the ground but if we waited till each of us got off the ropes all worked fine.

  7. How? The pilot will never deploy ropes

  8. I'm at work, but all I did was put the zlt_fastrope.sqf in my mission directory and added

    [] execVM "zlt_fastrope.sqf";

    To my init,sqf

    I am using the default helicopters and made no changes to the script.

    We board the transport helicopter the use the scroll wheel on mouse to talk to pilot, the option to toss ropes appears there. When I get in tonight I can attach a test mission if you want.

  9. I'm looking for a fast rope script to add to my mission and was wondering if this, the one linked above which I'll also paste below, is the one everyone is using?

    I see it supports AI automatically fast roping after the player which is exactly what I'm looking for. Any thoughts on this or perhaps a newer (or specifically ALiVE friendly) similar script?

  10. Yup, this one works perfectly for AI. You have to be in the helo with them. Not sure of any others.

  11. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    So if I want them (my AI teammates) to rope out, what order do I do this in? Say we're all in the heli together.

    Is it, I mouse wheel scroll and fast rope down, and then once on the ground click the fast rope option again to get my AI out? That part in the mod description is pretty vague.

  12. Nope, they follow you automatically if you fastrope out. No way to order them out, you have to lead by example.

  13. Yep. It works perfectly. I'll probably cross post this, but do you (or anyone) have an edited script that includes most of the choppers from the popular mods and BIS DLC?

  14. I don't, sorry mate.


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