Artillery not firing in MP

  1. 9 years ago

    I have noticed that the artillery is not firing in MP. We get messages that they do firing and other normal stuff but they do not.
    In editor previews works as it should.

  2. Friznit

    25 Nov 2015 Administrator

    Working fine for me using RHS and other mods.

  3. Edited 9 years ago by DaVidoSS

    Well maybe i will show you what i mind.

    Editor preview:

    The same mission in MP, nothing changed.

    Part of server rpt including that fire mission:

    2015/11/25, 18:47:51 ALIVE AI Distributor switching group B FOX SIX to HC HC1
    2015/11/25, 18:47:51 ALIVE AI Distributor switching group B FOX FIVE to HC HC1
    2015/11/25, 18:47:52 ALIVE AI Distributor switching group C Alpha 1-1 to HC HC1
    2015/11/25, 21:21:24 ALIVE AI Distributor switching group B Alpha 3-1 to HC HC1
    2015/11/25, 21:21:24 ALIVE AI Distributor switching group B Alpha 3-2 to HC HC1
    2015/11/25, 21:21:26 ALIVE AI Distributor switching group C Alpha 1-2 to HC HC1
    2015/11/25, 21:21:27 ALIVE AI Distributor switching group C Alpha 1-3 to HC HC1
    2015/11/25, 21:21:27 ALIVE AI Distributor switching group C Alpha 2-1 to HC HC1
    2015/11/25, 21:21:28 ALIVE AI Distributor switching group C Alpha 2-2 to HC HC1
    2015/11/25, 21:21:28 ALIVE AI Distributor switching group C Alpha 2-3 to HC HC1
    2015/11/25, 21:21:29 ALIVE AI Distributor switching group C Alpha 3-1 to HC HC1
    2015/11/25, 21:21:29 ALIVE AI Distributor switching group C Alpha 3-3 to HC HC1
    2015/11/25, 21:22:32 Admin logged in, player: DaVidoSS, playerUID: 76561197996732929, IP:
    2015/11/25, 21:23:28 "MISSION: [B FOX FIVE:1 REMOTE,[10766.1,6325.74,277.981],"IMMEDIATE","HE",0,12,"B_mas_mar_M119_F_d","32Rnd_155mm_Mo_shells",0,[vehicle_59,vehicle_60,vehicle_61]]"
    2015/11/25, 21:24:01 Server: Object 3:88 not found (message Type_107)
    2015/11/25, 21:25:50 "MISSION: [B FOX FIVE:1 REMOTE,[9635.16,6486.72,234.461],"IMMEDIATE","HE",0,12,"B_mas_mar_M119_F_d","32Rnd_155mm_Mo_shells",0,[vehicle_59,vehicle_60,vehicle_61]]"
    2015/11/25, 21:25:53 Server: Object 3:96 not found (message Type_107)
    2015/11/25, 21:27:59 ALIVE AI Distributor switching group B Alpha 3-1 to HC HC1
    2015/11/25, 21:28:00 ALIVE AI Distributor switching group B Alpha 3-2 to HC HC1
    2015/11/25, 21:28:01 soldier[CAF_AG_ME_T_RPK74]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform?
    2015/11/25, 21:28:02 soldier[CAF_AG_ME_T_AK74]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform?
    2015/11/25, 21:28:02 soldier[CAF_AG_ME_T_AK74]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform?
    2015/11/25, 21:28:04 soldier[CAF_AG_ME_T_AK74]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform?

    No errors.

    Editor preview rpt (many errors) but arty works.

    21:33:59 B Bravo 3-2: Cycle as first waypoint has no sense
    21:34:10 B Alpha 3-3: Cycle as first waypoint has no sense
    21:34:10 B Bravo 3-3: Cycle as first waypoint has no sense
    21:35:26 [weapon hgun_mas_usp_F]: item[acc_mas_pointer_IR] does not match to this weapon!
    21:35:26 [weapon hgun_mas_usp_F]: item[optic_Nightstalker] does not match to this weapon!
    21:35:26 [weapon arifle_mas_mk17_gl]: item[optic_Yorris] does not match to this weapon!
    21:35:44 Error: PhysX 32: ConvexHullBuilder::CreateTrianglesFromPolygons: convex hull has a polygon with less than 3 vertices!, file ..\..\PhysXCooking\src\convex\ConvexHullBuilder.cpp, line 1116
    21:35:44 Error: PhysX 32: Gu::ConvexMesh::loadConvexHull: convex hull init failed! Try to use the PxConvexFlag::eINFLATE_CONVEX flag. (see PxToolkit::createConvexMeshSafe), file ..\..\PhysXCooking\src\convex\ConvexMeshBuilder.cpp, line 253
    21:35:44 ERROR when cooking roadway mesh for PX scene!
    Model: ca\structures_e\housel\house_l_8_ep1.p3d
    Point: 110
    Point: 109
    Point: 111
    21:36:10 ALiVE_fnc_HashGet retrieved wrong input [any,"type"]!
    21:36:10 Error in expression <entID] call ALIVE_fnc_hashGet;
    _type = [_event,"type"] call ALIVE_fnc_hashGet;
    21:36:10   Error position: <_event,"type"] call ALIVE_fnc_hashGet;
    21:36:10   Error Nieokreślona zmienna w wyrażeniu: _event
    21:36:10 File x\alive\addons\x_lib\functions\events\fnc_eventLog.sqf, line 309
    21:36:23 Error in expression <con = "mil_unknown";
    _text = "";
    switch(_state) do {
    case "reserve":{
    _icon = "m>
    21:36:23   Error position: <_state) do {
    case "reserve":{
    _icon = "m>
    21:36:23   Error Nieokreślona zmienna w wyrażeniu: _state
    21:36:23 File x\alive\addons\fnc_analysis\fnc_liveAnalysis.sqf, line 514
    21:36:25 Error in expression <con = "mil_unknown";
    _text = "";
    switch(_state) do {
    case "reserve":{
    _icon = "m>
    21:36:25   Error position: <_state) do {
    case "reserve":{
    _icon = "m>
    21:36:25   Error Nieokreślona zmienna w wyrażeniu: _state
    21:36:25 File x\alive\addons\fnc_analysis\fnc_liveAnalysis.sqf, line 514
    21:36:27 soldier[CAF_AG_ME_T_AK74]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform?
    21:36:27 soldier[CAF_AG_ME_T_AK74]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform?
    21:36:30 soldier[CAF_AG_ME_T_PKM]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform?
    21:36:31 soldier[CAF_AG_ME_T_RPK74]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform?
    21:36:32 soldier[CAF_AG_ME_T_RPG]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform?
    21:36:32 soldier[CAF_AG_ME_T_RPG]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform?
    21:36:34 soldier[CAF_AG_ME_T_AK74]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform?
    21:36:34 soldier[CAF_AG_ME_T_AK74]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform?
    21:36:43 String STR_ALIVE_SCOM_OPS_COMMENT not found
    21:36:43 String STR_ALIVE_SCOM_OPS_COMMENT not found
    21:36:45 Error loading control bin\config.bin/NEO_resourceRadio/controls/NEO_radioAbort/
    21:36:45 Error loading control bin\config.bin/NEO_resourceRadio/controls/NEO_radioTransportConfirmButton/
    21:36:45 Error loading control bin\config.bin/NEO_resourceRadio/controls/NEO_radioTransportBaseButton/
    21:36:45 Error loading control bin\config.bin/NEO_resourceRadio/controls/NEO_radioTransportSmokeFoundButton/
    21:36:45 Error loading control bin\config.bin/NEO_resourceRadio/controls/NEO_radioTransportSmokeNotFoundButton/
    21:36:45 Error loading control bin\config.bin/NEO_resourceRadio/controls/NEO_radioCasConfirmButton/
    21:36:45 Error loading control bin\config.bin/NEO_resourceRadio/controls/NEO_radioCasBaseButton/
    21:36:45 Error loading control bin\config.bin/NEO_resourceRadio/controls/NEO_radioSitRepButton/
    21:36:45 Error loading control bin\config.bin/NEO_resourceRadio/controls/NEO_radioArtyConfirmButton/
    21:36:45 Error loading control bin\config.bin/NEO_resourceRadio/controls/NEO_radioArtyBaseButton/
    21:36:45 Error loading control bin\config.bin/NEO_resourceRadio/controls/NEO_radioArtyMoveButton/
    21:36:45 Error loading control bin\config.bin/NEO_resourceRadio/controls/NEO_radioArtyDontMoveButton/
    21:36:46 Error in expression <con = "mil_unknown";
    _text = "";
    switch(_state) do {
    case "reserve":{
    _icon = "m>
    21:36:46   Error position: <_state) do {
    case "reserve":{
    _icon = "m>
    21:36:46   Error Nieokreślona zmienna w wyrażeniu: _state
    21:36:46 File x\alive\addons\fnc_analysis\fnc_liveAnalysis.sqf, line 514
    21:36:56 Error in expression <con = "mil_unknown";
    _text = "";
    switch(_state) do {
    case "reserve":{
    _icon = "m>
    21:36:56   Error position: <_state) do {
    case "reserve":{
    _icon = "m>
    21:36:56   Error Nieokreślona zmienna w wyrażeniu: _state
    21:36:56 File x\alive\addons\fnc_analysis\fnc_liveAnalysis.sqf, line 514
    21:37:04 "MISSION: [B FOX FIVE:1,[9294.41,6613.69,220.11],"IMMEDIATE","HE",0,12,"B_mas_mar_M119_F_d","32Rnd_155mm_Mo_shells",0,[vehicle_59,vehicle_60,vehicle_61]]"
    21:37:29 There is no suitable building for an insurgents HQ!
    21:37:34 Protocol bin\config.bin/RadioProtocolPER/: Missing word veh_staticCannon
    21:37:50 Protocol bin\config.bin/RadioProtocolPER/: Missing word veh_staticCannon
    21:37:58 Error in expression <con = "mil_unknown";
    _text = "";
    switch(_state) do {
    case "reserve":{
    _icon = "m>
    21:37:58   Error position: <_state) do {
    case "reserve":{
    _icon = "m>
    21:37:58   Error Nieokreślona zmienna w wyrażeniu: _state
    21:37:58 File x\alive\addons\fnc_analysis\fnc_liveAnalysis.sqf, line 514
    21:38:45 EPE manager release (8|19|0)
    21:38:45 Number of actors in scene after release: 8

    Just magic.?.. Any ideas?

  4. Edited 9 years ago by DaVidoSS

    Please help i don't knew what is going bad. Is the HC responsible for this issue?

    ALIVE AI Distributor switching group B FOX FIVE to HC HC1

  5. It could be due to the HC.. there have been reports of CAS not working properly on the HC (fixed in next update). Try testing the mission without the HC and see if arty fires then.

  6. Edited 9 years ago by DaVidoSS

    Thank you for reply. Without HC arty works.
    Is there any temporary scripted hot fix to prevent adding Artillery / CAS group to HC?

  7. I don't think so... I'll get a dev to reply here if there is one.

  8. You could manually place and name the Combat Support units and then run a loop (use CBA perFrameHandler with delay) that sets the locality of the unit to the server. Can't guarentee it, but I believe that should work.

  9. Edited 9 years ago by DaVidoSS

    Please could you be more specified?
    I have just get the arty locality using

    _clientID = groupOwner _someGroup;

    and the number is "3".

    I asume i should mess with that

    ["function" or{code}, delayinsec, [parameters passed to the function]] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;

    and that

    _localityChanged = _someGroup setGroupOwner (owner _playerObject);

    But should that be executed on HC client or server?

    And which locality is the server? "0" ?

  10. Edited 9 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    The server's locality number should be 0. So you would do

    _vehicle setOwner 0;


    _vehicleGroup setGroupOwner 0;

    Call this bit of code in some .sqf file

    	if (!isNil "HC_ExcludedUnits") then {
    			_unit = _x;
    			_unit setOwner 0;
    		} forEach HC_ExcludedUnits;
    }, 60, []] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;

    Then, manually place each combat support unit and put this in it's init

    this setvariable ["CS_TYPE","CAS"]; //Type can be "TRANSPORT" or "CAS" or "ARTY"
    this setvariable ["CS_CODE","
    	HC_ExcludedUnits pushBack this;
    	publicVariable 'HC_ExcludedUnits';
    "]; //custom init line code

    You may have to play around with

    HC_ExcludedUnits pushBack this;

    as you might need to use a different variable than "this".

    this setvariable ["CS_TYPE","CAS"]; //Type can be "TRANSPORT" or "CAS" or "ARTY"
    this setvariable ["CS_CODE","
    hint str _this;
    and then see what it hints and how you need to grab the unit from the _this variable;


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