Duplicate Sample Missions?

  1. 9 years ago

    In the sample missions, http://alivemod.com/missions Insurgency and Operation Landlord show up as the exact same thing in my missions for some reason, but they are both Operation Landlord. I've tested removing only one and the other from my mpmissions folder... am I doing something wrong?

  2. Edited 9 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    Are the folder (or .pbo) names the same?
    ex. operationlandlord.altis

    if they are the same, name the one that is actually the insurgency mission
    insurgency.altis or some other appropriate name.

  3. I extract the download, add the insurgency pbo and the landlord pbo to my mpmissions, and 2 operation landlords show up :\

  4. Can't replicate on my end, each one's name displays correctly. :\

  5. Edited 9 years ago by Not_Oliver



    InsurgencyALiVE is the mission that I updated the modules for, which I just figured out I updated wrong :(

  6. Deleted 9 years ago by Not_Oliver
  7. Hang in there man. Just last night I spent a decent bit of time in the editor (doing a very light custom edit of Autigergrad's Royal Marines Kunduz). Played it for a bit, only to realize I somehow managed to remove every single script from the mission when I re-PBO'd it. LOL!

    So I just spent another half hour doing it all over again.

    Growing pains. But it's worth it. :)

  8. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    If you don't mind downloading some mods, check this bad boy out: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=561235833

    Follow the mod order the way it's written. Remove ASR_AI for now.

    Figured maybe you'd rather play for a bit versus pulling your hair out. ;) Download the Dropbox link if you want persistence with War Room and TADST.


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