URGENT - setmarkerpos ALiVE markers

  1. 9 years ago
    Edited 9 years ago by n2-

    Greetings, we are doing lots of dynamic missions on ALiVE platform , and recently we bumped into a huge issue:

    the marker for alive cqb zone does not seem to teleport, meaning our mission with randomly appearing helicopter and pilot resque is not having dynamically placed AI around.

    is there some way to delay alive modules activation to ensure that missions can be as dymanic as we set it up?

  2. Friznit

    11 Dec 2015 Administrator

    CQB units will only spawn in areas where there are players present, so you could just run the module mapwide and rely on it to work wherever your dynamic mission generator happens to send you.

  3. Edited 9 years ago by n2-

    in short: we want to have something like "TAOR_GUARDS" setmarkerpos getpos target_vip;
    in the init of the mission

    is it possible to make it work properly by delaying activation or some way of creating alive module in flight?

  4. Friznit

    11 Dec 2015 Administrator
    Edited 9 years ago by Friznit

    You can pause modules temporarily


    So you could pause the CQB while you travel to target if you want to prevent them spawning in places you're moving through on the way.

    Otherwise you can dynamically create groups and profile them - script examples are also on the wiki.

  5. thanks alot! will try and do

  6. sadly it doesn't work, but do you plan to have such feature to be supported? it will make dynamic missions like save pilot much more easy to create compared to messing with DAC

  7. The problem is that ALiVE initializes upon mission init. The best option might be to script in a C2ISTAR module mid mission, and set it's TAOR to the designated marker.

  8. 8 years ago

    Unless I'm not understanding your problem go with what Fritz mentioned - have the CQB module cover the entire map (ie: no TAOR marker) then it doesn't matter where your squad ends up there will be CQB guys spawning there.


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