New Mission Attempt

  1. 8 years ago

    New mission attempt.

    I am currently working on my own new ALiVE mission, I have dabbled in the editor plenty and have finally decided to make my own mission. I do have a few questions.

    First off, I need to know how exactly the AI Commander works. I want to use the AI Commander in an occupy mode for the BLUFOR. I want OPFOR attacking the BLUFOR fairly constantly. However since this mission will be primarily designed for BLUFOR, I want the AI commander to back any progress made by a player lead attack. My question is will the occupy mode in the AI commander automatically reinforce any newly gained territory that a player has captured? Will the AI commander also send AI units to back up players who are attacking an enemy location? What I am trying to avoid is having the AI commander constantly attacking and trying to gain ground when players are off line or not working that particular area of the map, this is why I am not wanting to use the invasion mode.

    Secondly I would like to create an AI recruitment script that allows a player to recruit up to 8 (squad size) AI to follow him, he can lead them into battle, however when he captures the area he wants, he can remove himself from that group and the AI Commander would take the units over. Does the AI commander have the ability to take over spawned in AI units or would it not see them since it did not spawn them?

  2. Edited 8 years ago by silentghoust

    I won't go into to much about the behaviors of Occupation vs Invasion because I feel it's covered well enough on the Alive wiki. However, I'll explain a bit about how the Commander AI goes about dealing with objectives as far as I understand it. Also, on the wiki, you can see how to put modules to sleep when the server is empty.

    The commanders go in cycles, were they do their analysis, order groups, and determine status of objectives. A secured objective for example, can be cleared of enemies but won't be secured tell a cycle hits and certain conditions are met. This pace isn't exactly fast, and depending on the amount of casualties, it can take even longer to build up a new force to go on the offensive again.

    As for the AI commander taking over spawn units. Aside from making sure they get profiled, I haven't experimented with how command takes over spawned profiled units. Although I personally would like to know.

  3. Edited 8 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    I haven't experimented with how command takes over spawned profiled units. Although I personally would like to know.

    Commanders will use profiled units of any of the factions that they control. So if a profile is BLU_F and a commander controls BLU_F, the commander will automatically use that profile.

  4. Well, I cannot confirm anything as of yet, but if I set the profiling option to profile everything EXCEPT synced units do you think it would see them?

    As far as the cycles of the AI commander, the pace does not have to be fast, I just want to make sure that the AI commander will actually defend it so that players can continue to move forward. I will reread the wiki on occupation vs invasion to make sure I am going about this right.

  5. @SpyderBlack723 Commanders will use profiled units of any of the factions that they control. So if a profile is BLU_F and a commander controls BLU_F, the commander will automatically use that profile.

    But how does that effect a unit you placed on the map and synced to the module with a pre-defined way-points(patrol path)? Will the commander eventually just override your defined path, and order that unit elsewhere?

    @eeriestwalnut55] As far as the cycles of the AI commander, the pace does not have to be fast, I just want to make sure that the AI commander will actually defend it so that players can continue to move forward. I will reread the wiki on occupation vs invasion to make sure I am going about this right.

    Depends on the conditions of the commanders total forces. In normal conditions(no major setbacks, decent priority objective, spare units). Then yes, they will send in defensive units with occupation behavior being the best at this. However, it might take awhile so I usually hang out and fight off any counter-offensive. The time it takes depends on distance, if you guys blitz through 3-5 cities it might take a really long time.

  6. Edited 8 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    Yes, the commander will override the group's waypoints once he requires them to be used elsewhere. There is a method in stopping the commander from using the group even though they are profiled, but it's code that must be ran on the profile and not the group's init path (Therefore not easily possible by just an init-line code).


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