ALiVE staticData.sqf for RHS v0.4.0.1

  1. 9 years ago
    Edited 9 years ago by maquez [Q-Net]

    Dear ALiVE Developers,

    I made a "staticData.sqf" up to date with RHS :

    • added the new units and vehicles that got released with update
    • added the new static and artillery that got released with update
    • added the new planes and helicopters that got released with update
    • added the new groups that got released with update
    • made finally the Insurgents fully working

    did follow fully your pattern of code, so you may be able to introduce all of my edited "staticData.sqf" into next release !

    my question, are I allowed to release this to public ?

    pm me on BI forum,
    I will send you link of my edited "staticData.sqf" for download so you can first have a look at it.

    holy shit now I need a break :P

    kind regards
    maquez [Q-Net]

  2. Nice work I've poked the devs for a reply

  3. Edited 9 years ago by dixon13

    This would be a nice temporary fix, although, it won't be a permanent one. I believe the way ALiVE supports RHS is through configs. They insert a config entry into a parent class that will define what kind of vehicle that parent class will associate with, for example:


    class CfgVehicles {
        class rhs_infantry {
            alive = "INFANTRY";

    random script

    _type = getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> "rhs_infantry" >> "alive");

    In the future, to be more efficient and faster, ALiVE could parse the above, "random script", at game start so that load times won't take so long. The new PreStart XEH could do this job and even pre-load functions at game start as well. Doing this though, would require ALiVE to be re-written in it's current state though.

  4. Edited 9 years ago by maquez [Q-Net]

    this is no temporary fix...

    ALiVE does mapping factions exact the same way and with the same script. What I did was adding the new
    missing stuff that was released with update to the code of ALiVE's RHS faction mapping.
    I also configured the missing groups to the commented out mapping of the Insurgents, they should now work finally.

    holy ...
    it took me hours switching between editor and notepad++
    the RHS classlist wiki is still on version 0.3.9

  5. Friznit

    26 Jan 2016 Administrator

    Nice work maquez. I have no problem if you want to release this publicly as a temp fix (please quote me in your post to avoid any do gooders having a go!). I'll submit it as a Pull Request to Github and roll it into the next update - many thanks!

  6. Edited 9 years ago by maquez [Q-Net]


    ALiVE staticData.sqf for RHS v0.4.0.1

    Declaring RHS v0.4.0.1 Faction Mappings for ALiVE

    • added the new units and vehicles that got released with update
    • added the new groups that got released with update
    • made finally the Insurgents fully working

    This is temporary fix and not part of the core ALiVE !

    copy/extract the "script" folder into your missions folder
    copy the code from "init.sqf" to the init.sqf of your mission.

    read the readme !

    kind regards
    VNPA Development Team

  7. What would i edit it the staticdata.sqf if im using usmc desert?

  8. Edited 9 years ago by GhostNI

    Does this replace the logistic support ghosthawk, hemmt and static weapons with RHS ones?
    Does it automatically spawn American supports for blufor and Russian stuff for opfor or do we need to edit stuff in the sqf?
    Don't think I've got it working.

  9. Any plans to have this fix spawn in rhs weapon crates instead of the vanilla ones?

  10. I been trying to get this too work but without any luck. Its seams to be for me impossible to modify. I tried to change all USMC woodland infantry to the recon group classes but no change happend in my test mission.
    I put a systemChat ""; message in the file so i could check if it was loaded at all, which it was yet no change in the actual spawning of the infantry units.


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