It would be incredibly useful if inside of a missions init.sqf , we could call an alive function that allows us to define custom factions that aren't defined inside of CfgFactions of addons. It would accept a multidimensional array of Faction->Groups->Units, which would allow this faction name to be specified in ALiVE's modules for spawning, etc.
private ["_MyFactions", "_factionone", "_factiontwo"]; _factionone = [ "custom_faction", [ ["customgroup", "Infantry", ["unitclass1", "unitclass2"]], ["customgroup2", "Armored", ["unitclass1", "unitclass2"]] ] ]; _factiontwo = [ "custom_faction2", [ ["customgroup", "Infantry", ["unitclass1", "unitclass2"]], ["customgroup2", "Armored", ["unitclass1", "unitclass2"]] ] ]; _MyFactions = [_factionone, _factiontwo]; [_MyFactions] call ALIVE_fnc_DefineCustomFaction;