Call to prayer script for mission makers (marker version)

  1. 9 years ago
    Edited 9 years ago by incontinenetia

    UPDATE: Here is the script.

    Call to Prayer - Marker version

    This script will add loudspeakers near user-placed markers which will play an Islamic Call to Prayer (adhan) at certain times of day (defined in the call to prayer loop in functions.sqf - by default these are based on May 2016 in Kabul). It will work on any map and allows the mission maker to define certain locations on a map to play the adhan, as opposed to the automatic script that detects towns and places louspeakers near the centre. The mission.sqm has markers placed at appropriate (ish) locations on FATA and these are defined in the init.sqf in the mission root, but these can be adapted to your needs.


    Step 1: Place the CalltoPrayer folder in the root of your mission folder. Place empty icon markers (not shape / area markers) on the map in the areas you want Call to Prayer loudspeakers to spawn. The loudspeakers will spawn fairly close to the markers so if you want them to sound like they are coming from a particular building, this is possible by placing the marker over that building. A loudspeaker will be spawned nearby. Name those markers something simple like CTP1, CTP2, CTP3 etc.

    Step 2: Then add these lines to the init.sqf file in the mission root folder (IMPORTANT: they must go at the very top or the script may not work):

    //--------------call to prayer------------------------------------------

    INS_CTPMARKERS = ["CTP1","CTP2","CTP3","CTP4","CTP5","CTP6","CTP7","CTP8","CTP9","CTP10","CTP11","CTP12"];  // marker names in this array will be picked up by the call to prayer script adn can be changed according to preference (eg INS_CTPMARKERS = ["MyMarker1","MyMarker2","MyMarker3"])
    call compile preprocessFile "CallToPrayer\init.sqf"; //this executes the Call to Prayer script

    Step 3: Finally, add this to your description.ext:

    //----------------------Call to Prayer------------------------
    //This adds the sound config entries for the call to prayer script
    class CfgSounds {
    	sounds[] = {prayer};
    	class prayer {
    		name = "prayer";
    		sound[] = {"CalltoPrayer\sounds\prayer.ogg", db+10, 1};
    		titles[] = {};

    Hazey and Sacha for writing the initial functions, SpyderBlack723 for adapting the scripts for use on FATA.

  2. I've got one. I've also created an entire Middle East ambient sound suite that I'm debating posting here and on the BI forums for community use.

    I've also got an African sounds suite as well.

  3. That sounds brilliant! Any chance I could ask you for a copy? It's for private missions that will likely never be released publicly (certainly not without prior consent) and I'm more than happy to adhere to any terms you have!

  4. I'll more than likely post my templates today or tomorrow

  5. Awesome, good to hear. Thanks.

  6. You can grab the one I'm using from the mission I just posted in the Missions Template section if you want.

    It works on every single map I've ever tested it on, and it works brilliantly. Except for FATA. I have no idea why FATA is immune to it.

  7. @AUTigerGrad I'll more than likely post my templates today or tomorrow

    Yes! :)

  8. @HeroesandvillainsOS  You can grab the one I'm using from the mission I just posted in the Missions Template section if you want.

    It works on every single map I've ever tested it on, and it works brilliantly. Except for FATA. I have no idea why FATA is immune to it.

    Aaaaah!! My mission is using FATA! Cheers though Heroes.

  9. Tupolov

    9 Feb 2016 Administrator

    We could easily add them to the ambient civilian module :D

  10. @Tupolov We could easily add them to the ambient civilian module :D

    Yes please. :)

    A lot of cool things ALiVE related are being posted or proposed today. It's a good day.

  11. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    @incontinenetia Aaaaah!! My mission is using FATA! Cheers though Heroes.

    I've got 5 mission templates right now and it just doesn't seem to work only on FATA. Don't discount the possibility that I could have messed it up on FATA though! Try it. An 80% success rate even when I know I'm doing something correctly sounds about right for me. :(

  12. added as a feature request!

  13. @Tupolov We could easily add them to the ambient civilian module :D

    Sure thing Tupolov. I'm working on an Eastern Europen suite as well. When I post them I'll make sure to post a YouTube vid of them in action. Using them in conjunction with Alive and Spyder's ambient traffic really adds a great deal of immersion to the environment.

  14. ALiVE has blown me away in recent months. Granted I always thought it was cool but this community has absolutely nailed it down. By far one of the most helpful and productive communities I've come across online. And now with the 1.0 release, things can only get better. Cheers everyone! You're all legends.

    @HeroesandvillainsOS , you are right about FATA, it doesn't work for some reason!

  15. @incontinenetia ALiVE has blown me away in recent months. Granted I always thought it was cool but this community has absolutely nailed it down. By far one of the most helpful and productive communities I've come across online. And now with the 1.0 release, things can only get better. Cheers everyone! You're all legends.

    @HeroesandvillainsOS , you are right about FATA, it doesn't work for some reason!

    100% success rate on something baby! I'm back! :)

  16. Edited 9 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    It doesn't work on FATA because the map author did not include map locations, which it uses to determine where to place the CTP loudspeakers. If you guys really want to use it on FATA I can look to try and update it to work somehow in the future.

    A lot of cool things ALiVE related are being posted or proposed today. It's a good day.

    You could say, the community is ALiVE today .. no? .. anyone? alright

  17. Edited 9 years ago by AUTigerGrad

    Here's a demo of my ambient sounds pack in action on a typical patrol through an Afghan city.

    I'll try and get these up along with my African pack in the next couple of days.

  18. Here's a demo of my ambient sounds pack in action on a typical patrol through an Afghan city.

    I'll try and get these up along with my African pack in the next couple of days.

    This is really impressive. Is it dynamic or set up by the mission editor?

    @SpyderBlack723 You could say, the community is ALiVE today .. no? .. anyone? alright

    Keep at it Spyder! Don't let them bring you down!

  19. Set up in the editor....I have templates built that populate heavy civilian areas with the sounds. I also have news/radio in remote villages as well.

  20. Dynamic is the next step ;)

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