Headless Client Setup

  1. 9 years ago

    So now that we have a fully working HC functionality, could someone help me with how to properly set it up within the ALiVE modules? Which modules have this option?

    Also, bonus question. If anyone is using TADST, is it as simple as just checking the Headless Client box?

  2. For TADST it's easy.

    dixon13 had a really well done tutorial on this here.


    For TADST, you simply need to create a Bat file with the appropriate command lines for mods used, etc. Then just double click the Bat to launch the HC.

  3. @AUTigerGrad For TADST, you simply need to create a Bat file with the appropriate command lines for mods used, etc. Then just double click the Bat to launch the HC.

    Oh god. This part does not sound easy. LOL! Where do I learn how to create the bat file?

  4. I'm not at home otherwise, I would copy and paste an example. You can create a Bat cmd file in notepad. It's super easy.

  5. The only time I've ever used a bat file was with the RHS update. I'm definitely not really familiar with it.

    Could I take you up on copy/pasting an example for me when you get home?

  6. Yeah, I'll do it.

  7. Edited 9 years ago by SavageCDN

    Back-of-the-napkin attempt on the fly:

    1 - create a text file
    2 - rename it to A3server.bat (make sure you have show file extensions enabled in Windows)
    3 - right-click and edit
    4 - paste this:

    start "" /wait "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3 Server\arma3server.exe" -port=2402 -profiles=c:\pathto\profile -config=C:\pathto\server.cfg -cfg=c:\pathto\basic.cfg -cpuCount=2 -maxMem=2048 -maxplayers=32 -noFilePatching -noLogs -mod=@cba_a3;@alive

    Obviously you need to change file paths, etc to suit your setup. See here for more info re: startup params

    Not all params are required ie: don't use -port param and it will default to 2302

  8. @SavageCDN Back-of-the-napkin attempt on the fly:

    1 - create a text file
    2 - rename it to A3server.bat (make sure you have show file extensions enabled in Windows)
    3 - right-click and edit
    4 - paste this:

    start "" /wait "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3 Server\arma3server.exe" -port=2402 -profiles=c:\pathto\profile -config=C:\pathto\server.cfg -cfg=c:\pathto\basic.cfg -cpuCount=2 -maxMem=2048 -exThreads=7 -maxplayers=32 -noFilePatching -noLogs -mod=@cba_a3;@alive

    Obviously you need to change file paths, etc to suit your setup. See here for more info re: startup params

    Not all params are required ie: don't use -port param and it will default to 2302

    Thanks. It seems like the principals are the same in your example as they are in the link Autigergrad posted, but they do look pretty different.

    start "Headless" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3 Server\arma3server.exe" -connect=localhost -port=**** -client -nosound -password=**** -name=HC -profile=HC "-mod=@allinarmaterrainpack;@asdg_jr;@cba_a3;@hlc_ar15;@hlcmods_m14;@hlcmods_core;@rh_pistol_a3;@rhs_afrf3;@rhs_usf3;@sthud_a3;@task_force_radio;@tryk;@k_mnp;@clafghan;@alive;@hlcmods_m60e4;@FHQ_Accessories;@agm;@asr_ai3;@rds;@cup;rds_tank;@cha_mi24;@mec;@rds;@cup;@rds_tank;@cha_mi24;@mb_rocks;@mb_veg_adv;@opx_objects;@razmisc"

    Not to mention the server.cfg stuff and all that.

    I'll see what I can come up with. I assumed since TADST has a Headless Client check box, all I would need to do is tick it but of course it's not that easy. LOL.

  9. Sorry coffee has failed me this morning (and there was a huge hockey trade today). Didn't realize this was for the HC.

  10. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    LOL! No problem. I fixed the title. And Dixon's instructions are relatively straight forward.

    So other than doing that, and adding HC via game logic in the editor, is there anything else I need to do? Any module setting that needs to be adjust or anything else at all?

    Also, which IP address does the server.cfg need? The external one you'd find on whatsmyip.org that's registered with War Room? Or my internal IP instead?

    3. In your "server.cfg", scroll down until you see "headlessClients[]={};" and insert your IP address in between the curly brackets in string format like so...


  11. For module settings, the only one is just the AI locality option (located in either ALiVE Required or Virtual AI System)

  12. If the HC is on the same machine you can use

  13. Depending on how you setup your server setup is, localhost, could all be acceptable. If you touch your IPv4 settings, your local network settings, or your Default IP settings we can't help you.

  14. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    @SpyderBlack723 For module settings, the only one is just the AI locality option (located in either ALiVE Required or Virtual AI System)

    So to ensure that a mission is headless client capable, it's just the one option that needs to be turned on in the ALiVE Required Module and that's it? No other modules (including BIS modules) required?

    I'm about to release some missions and want to make sure the option is available for those who want to use it.

  15. I believe so, if I'm remembering correctly, all of the other modules do it automatically.

    I don't use headless client myself, but I also believe you need to place down a headless client entity through the

    (right-hand side menu in EDEN)
    Systems >> Logic Entities >> Virtual Entities >> Headless Client

    menu tree

  16. @SpyderBlack723 I believe so, if I'm remembering correctly, all of the other modules do it automatically.

    I don't use headless client myself, but I also believe you need to place down a headless client entity through the

    (right-hand side menu in EDEN)
    Systems >> Logic Entities >> Virtual Entities >> Headless Client

    menu tree

    Right. That makes sense. So flipping it on and adding the BIS module.

    I actually don't really intend on using it either but I want people to have that choice. Would allowing HC like this in the mission work ok if people choose to not use it? The AI is programmed to use it if it's there and not use it if it's not there I take it?

    TLDR: Will a mission with HC allowed play ok if you're not using a HC?

  17. Edited 9 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    Yes, it should fall back to keeping AI on the server if there are no HC's connected.

  18. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    So for the Headless Client module, do any of the parameters need to be changed. There's really nothing there. Under System Control there are checkmark boxes (all blank) for Player, Playable and Role Description. The hints don't really seem to apply so it feels like they should stay unchecked. Do I need to do anything with the module at all?

    It just seems too simple. Just turning it on in the ALiVE Required module and plopping down a blank HC module. I'm not used to things being this easy. :)

    Obviously this won't take care of actually starting the HC on my PC but as far as the mission itself goes, is that it?

  19. I have no idea, I would assume you just place it down as is.

  20. Yep that's pretty much it. Much easier than the hours of setup and troubleshooting it was to get HC working in A2.

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