AUTigerGrad's Regional Ambient Sounds Pack

  1. 9 years ago
    Edited 9 years ago by AUTigerGrad

    So I'm a very active mission maker for my group and one of the areas I like to focus on is immersion. Whether we are patrolling the streets of an Afghan city, or perhaps we're helping defend a village in Nigeria from Boko Haram militants, I like to feel as though I'm actually in that region.

    So I decided to put together these "packs" of authentic regional sounds to be used in missions.

    My first two collections are for African or Middle Eastern themed environments. These packs include:

    • ambient crowd noise/chatter
    • regional music
    • authentic news broadcasts discussing the topics of the region
    • other stuff (that's the scientific term)

    I will continue to add to these as well as develop my other packs. Other packs planned are:

    Latin America
    Eastern Europe

    I figured some of you may enjoy adding these to your missions as well.

    I've included 2 sample templates for the awesome Sangin and Isla Duala maps. But you don't have to have those maps to use these. Simply copy the description.ext and sound folders over into any map you want, then place appropriate triggers where you want the sounds to play. The sounds will show at the very bottom of the "triggers" selection box under effects when using them with traditional triggers.

    To give you an idea of how they work, here are 2 videos showcasing my sounds in action, both in a Middle Eastern and African setting.

    I'm not a modder and I'm not a coder, just an avid ARMA fanatic who wanted to help make the ARMA experience better as much as I can. I hope you like them.

    version 1.2

    Some substantial additions to both the Middle Eastern and African Sound packs

    added both African and Arabic songs
    added Arabic speech over loudspeaker
    added multiple radio news soundbites from events occurring to both regions (Libya, Sudan, etc.)
    added ISIS propaganda speech
    added Military Radio chatter for Afghanistan missions
    for those requesting longer looped files, I actually created a 6 minute British-specific radio loop, covering both local and military news, as well as recreational radio chatter (Premier League news). Should be nice to use at your home FOB when you are walking through the barracks!
    As always, I hope you enjoy!

    Special thanks to seba1976 for donating some of his own sounds to the project!

    African Sounds Demo

    Middle Eastern Sounds Demo

    US Iron Front Sounds Demo

    Nazi Iron Front Sounds Demo

    Soviet Iron Front Sounds Demo

  2. Congrats, no doubt these can be used to enhance the civilian environment.

  3. Brilliant! Thanks for the release AUTigerGrad. Really impressive stuff.

  4. Yeah this is awesome!! Thank you!!

    I recommend speaking to Mr. Iron Front (Gunter on the BIS forums) he'll probably want to host your IF version and promote it.

  5. When you create a mission, it generates a folder for that mission in your documents. You can copy the sound folder and the description.ext into your mission folder. Once you do that, you can go into the editor, place a trigger down and click on "Effects". All of the sounds are under the Trigger category at the very bottom of that drop down list. That's it.

    This is what I like to do....

    1. I go into the editor and choose a map..let's say Isla Duala for example.

    2. I place a playable unit down anywhere on the map then I start to place triggers over the areas that I want sound to play (cities, towns, wherever)

    3. Select the sounds under Effects for each trigger. They play in 3d so, for example, if you place a trigger down with people talking, etc. you can put that trigger right on top of a building or a group of people, providing the effect of hearing people inside the building when you walk by or conversation coming from a civilian group on the street corner.

    4. Once you have the triggers placed all over the map with the sounds set as you wish, save the mission and call it "soundtemplate".

    5. Now, instead of having to manually place triggers everytime you use that map, all you have to do is "merge" that template with any other mission you already have, then copy the sound folder and description.ext into that new folder as well. Voila! your other missions have the ambient sounds too.

    I do this for all of the maps I use then just merge them as needed with my actual playable missions.

  6. @AUTigerGrad When you create a mission, it generates a folder for that mission in your documents. You can copy the sound folder and the description.ext into your mission folder. Once you do that, you can go into the editor, place a trigger down and click on "Effects". All of the sounds are under the Trigger category at the very bottom of that drop down list. That's it.

    This is what I like to do....

    1. I go into the editor and choose a map..let's say Isla Duala for example.

    2. I place a playable unit down anywhere on the map then I start to place triggers over the areas that I want sound to play (cities, towns, wherever)

    3. Select the sounds under Effects for each trigger. They play in 3d so, for example, if you place a trigger down with people talking, etc. you can put that trigger right on top of a building or a group of people, providing the effect of hearing people inside the building when you walk by or conversation coming from a civilian group on the street corner.

    4. Once you have the triggers placed all over the map with the sounds set as you wish, save the mission and call it "soundtemplate".

    5. Now, instead of having to manually place triggers everytime you use that map, all you have to do is "merge" that template with any other mission you already have, then copy the sound folder and description.ext into that new folder as well. Voila! your other missions have the ambient sounds too.

    I do this for all of the maps I use then just merge them as needed with my actual playable missions.

    Except don't do what I did and click "merge" from the template if you want to incorporate them into an existing mission. Go into your mission and merge the template from there. I learned this the hard way!

  7. Alright guys,

    Version 1.1 is now available. This adds a sound package for all 3 playable factions in the Iron Front for ARMA 3 mod. US, German, and Russian sounds are included.

  8. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Those are sweet. :)

    Any additions to the Middle East/African packs for this update?

    EDIT: I saw the change log over on BIS.

  9. Edited 9 years ago by AUTigerGrad

    version 1.2

    Some substantial additions to both the Middle Eastern and African Sound packs

    • added both African and Arabic songs
    • added Arabic speech over loudspeaker
    • added multiple radio news soundbites from events occurring to both regions (Libya, Sudan, etc.)
    • added ISIS propaganda speech
    • added Military Radio chatter for Afghanistan missions
    • for those requesting longer looped files, I actually created a 6 minute British-specific radio loop, covering both local and military news, as well as recreational radio chatter (Premier League news). Should be nice to use at your home FOB when you are walking through the barracks!

    As always, I hope you enjoy!

    Special thanks to seba1976 for donating some of his own sounds to the project!

  10. *applause*

  11. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Good work man. The new ME ones are fan-freaking-tastic!

  12. Why oh why haven't I looked at this forum sooner. You guys do some awesome stuff and this is just one example.
    I will be adding this to my Sangin tonight.

  13. Deleted 9 years ago by Sheeps
  14. Edited 9 years ago by Sheeps

    I know i know im a pest! Sorry fellas. Can you see where i have gone wrong here? It is telling me i am missing a } at line 191 (two lines after the final };

    Consequently i cant see the sounds in editor to add them!

    author = "[IRU]Sheeps";
    onLoadName = "IRU Sangin MilSim";
    onLoadMission = "";
    joinUnassigned = 0;
    disabledAI = true;
    enableDebugConsole = 1;
    allowFunctionsLog = 1;
    briefing = 0;
    ShowGPS = 1;
    showWatch = 0;
    showMap = 1;
    respawn = "BASE";
    respawndelay = 120;
    class CfgSounds
    	class CTP1 {
    	sound[]={"sound\CTP.ogg", 1, 1};
    	titles[]= {90, ""};
    class CfgSFX
    	sounds[] = {};
    	class sfxsound
    		name = "sfxsound";
    		empty[]= {"",0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
    	class sfxsound2
    		name = "sfxsound2";
    		empty[]= {"",0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
    	class sfxsound3
    		name = "sfxsound3";
    		empty[]= {"",0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
    	class sfxsound4
    		name = "sfxsound4";
    		empty[]= {"",0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
    	class sfxsound5
    		name = "sfxsound5";
    		empty[]= {"",0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
            class sfxsound6
    		name = "sfxsound6";
    		empty[]= {"",0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
    	class sfxsound7
    		name = "sfxsound7";
    		empty[]= {"",0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
    	class sfxsound8
    		name = "sfxsound8";
    		empty[]= {"",0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
    	class sfxsound9
    		name = "news1";
    		empty[]= {"",0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
    	class sfxsound10
    		name = "music1";
    		empty[]= {"",0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
    	class sfxsound11
    		name = "music2";
    		empty[]= {"",0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
    	class sfxsound12
    		name = "kunduznews";
    		empty[]= {"",0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
    	class sfxsound13
    		name = "SanginnewsBBC";
    		empty[]= {"",0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
            class sfxsound14
    		name = "prayer2";
    		empty[]= {"",0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
    	class sfxsound15
    		name = "Britishnews";
    		empty[]= {"",0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
    	 class sfxsound16
    		name = "ISISpropoganda";
    		empty[]= {"",0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
    	class sfxsound17
    		name = "IEDchatter";
    		empty[]= {"",0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
    	class sfxsound18
    		name = "arab_talking";
    		empty[]= {"",0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
    	 class sfxsound19
    		name = "arabicsong1";
    		empty[]= {"",0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
    	class sfxsound20
    		name = "arabicsong2";
    		empty[]= {"",0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
  15. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Long shot (I can't read SQM) but are you maybe missing a } or }; after the CTP entry?

    I'm assuming you put the contents of the Middle Eastern folder in the mission root and followed the install instructions? Including the init.sqf?

  16. It didnt include an init.sqf and im pretty sure it doesnt need one. I have put a }; at the end of the CTP sound block as i think you are right but it now says it is missing a } at line 190

  17. Yeah just a guess on that. If something was missing early on maybe the error thinks it needs something at the bottom when you actually missed something at the top? Again, I know nothing. :)

    I'm not at home so I can't recall if he requires an init.sqf. I thought so but again, probably wrong on that too.

  18. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    If you need me to, I'll get you a mission link with the pack working so you can see my files. I'll need a few hours though.

  19. Sorted! You were correct I was missing a couple of } and };

    Cheers been a long time since i tried to do any sqf

  20. Where was it? Could you post the corrected version?

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