Combat Support Module - Fixed Wing (SOLVED)

  1. 9 years ago

    Greetings, forgive me as I tried to find answers to this in these forums already with not luck.

    I am attempting to use the Alive Combat support module, using an A-10C (from USAF mod), whenever I call it from the CS tablet, it taxis forward a few metres, then sits. Or they decide to drive to the target without taking off.I have it placed near the end of the runway on the Takistan map, but it won't take off.

    Does anyone have an idea how I can get fixed-wing CAS aircraft to take off and perform the tasks assigned to them?

    Thank you in advance.


  2. Edited 9 years ago by SavageCDN

    This has been a long-standing issue with CAS and AI pilots - try adjusting the start position of the CAS module on the airfield... or place the module off the airstrip a bit (taxiway, beside a hanger, etc). Some runways rarely work with CAS (Clafghan) although Taki should be OK. Also make sure the runway and surrounding area are clear of obstacles or other units.

    edit: marking this as solved please post again if you have further questions

  3. 8 years ago

    This only appears to be an issue with ALiVE. Did several tests with "normally" spawned AI pilots and planes, using the same starting and taxi positions as where the ALiVE Combat Support modules were placed.

    "Normal" AI pilots had no problem leaving their starting position, and taxing to take-off. ALiVE spawned units, other then the A10, where stuck in place though. So far, I have only tested this on Reshmaan province. Plan to continue testing on other maps.

    In summation, it seems the A10 models work well, however, any of the other fixed wing models in the USAF mod do not.

  4. It's map dependent.

  5. Yeah. I've found that AI tend to only want to use one side of the airstrip so trial and error seems to be the only way to figure out the best place. Which may vary due to different aircraft requiring different lengths of runway or something like that? Not sure. As Savage said, a lot of the time finding the lane they use to taxi is a good way to do it, takes them longer to take off but they seem to be able to taxi better than they can awkwardly edge themselves onto a runway.


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