C2ISTAR & Combat Support (SOLVED)

  1. 9 years ago

    Hi all, I'm currently creating a mission for my group of players and I can't figure out how to separate the Combat Support module from the C2ISTAR module.

    I would like to have units with an item, say the LaserDesignator, be able to access the Combat Support to call for transport, CAS, etc., and it works just fine unless I also have the C2ISTAR module placed. When the C2ISTAR module is placed a unit can only access Combat Support through the C2ISTAR menu.

    Is there anyway to access Combat Support independently of C2ISTAR? If not, Is there a way to auto-generate tasks without the C2ISTAR module present?


  2. I would assume that even if only available via the C2ISTAR menu, it would be the only option to show up as long as the player does not posses the C2ISTAR required item as well. Is this not the case?

  3. Nope. Even with the player having the different required item it gets put under the C2ISTAR menu. So if you don't have the C2ISTAR item you won't get anything.

  4. Friznit

    26 Feb 2016 Administrator
    Edited 9 years ago by Friznit

    Have repro'd this. C2ISTAR appears to override Player Combat Support. The C2ISTAR Item Required doesn't appear to be working properly - you can still use the Command tablet if you equip the Required Item set in the Combat Support module, even if it's different to the one set in the C2ISTAR module. Have added a ticket on Github.

  5. Edited 9 years ago by Asmodeus

    Are we talking here about accessing Player combat support only or could we include other modules too in the discussion?

    It would be so great for making missions to have the ability for "NCO's" to draw AI groups from Player combat logistics but not much else by using some item they have available (ItemMap perhaps). Then you could only have one "CO" with the ALiVE_Tablet and C2ISTAR ability to create tasks for the NCO's to complete.

    Currently it seems that I'm forced to give every player the ALiVE_Tablet so that they can draw AI groups from the global pool and with this they'll be able create tasks too, a thing I'd like to avoid if possible.

  6. Friznit

    28 Feb 2016 Administrator

    After lots of testing this weekend, the answer to the OP is: No! Sorry, seems we've hit a coding limitation due to the integration between two different modules (Neo's Combat Support and Spyder's Command Tablet). The only fix would require a recode of the whole thing from scratch - and same goes for adding more options @Asmodeus.

    If you place the CS module alone, it functions as you would expect. If you place C2ISTAR as well, it integrates CS automatically and CS cannot be used separately (though it can be disabled).

    This is how it functions currently, for example:

    Combat Support - set to requires LaserDesignator
    C2ISTAR - set to requires alive_tablet

    Equip Laser Des only: Unable to use either system
    Equip ALiVE Tablet: you can use Comd Menu but no CS
    Equip both Laser Des AND tablet: can use Comd and CS

    So you cannot use CS alone without access to the Comd Tablet. The only way to achieve this is by talking directly to the pilot. The assumption ("feature" ;) ) is that the Player Commander / HQ can control all assets remotely, while subordinates can direct units via talking to the pilot.

    Not ideal as I can understand the desire for more granular roles to define who can use what and when, but it's not easy to do.

  7. Edited 9 years ago by Asmodeus

    Thanks for the extensive answer!

    What comes to my suggestion I just realized while reading your answer that, as far as I've understood correctly how the ALiVE_Tablet's Personnel tool works, I should be able to reach this "CO-NCO" setting for any mission where the "CO" with the help of the (only available) tablet can manage groups, create tasks for the "NCO's", fulfill their support requests and so on.


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