Custom ammo for logistics supply boxes?

  1. 9 years ago
    Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Would anyone know of any way to get custom ammo included in logistics ammo request boxes? Currently, I use 3CB and their most frequently used ammo (5.56) is not included in any NATO or OPFOR boxes by default. Only the AAF (IND) ammo crates have them but they only include tracer rounds (WTF?).

    Anyway, a guy on Reddit just old me how to include the ammo to manually placed ammo crates. Would there be any method of including this ammo in Logistics requests too? I think I know how to include IND ammo crates using the staticdata.sqf method, but like I mentioned, it'll only give me tracer rounds. Can I add custom ammo to logistics ammo crates or would that be out of the realm of this mod?

  2. ARJay

    1 Mar 2016 Administrator

    Perhaps you could use a custom init event handler to add in extra ammo types?

    Have a look at

    to get you started - that is for assigning arsenal but will be close to what you need.


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