A few questions after working with ALiVE

  1. 9 years ago

    So I've been making some very entertaining missions recently thanks to ALiVE, but I have a few questions regarding enemy force layout. This is for ALiVE version 1.0.

    1. Is it possible to limit the probability that a certain type of unit will spawn? For instance, anti-aircraft troops. Currently, if a faction has AA infantry, a Light Infantry force will spawn lots and lots of AA at objectives, it would be great to have a cap.

    2. Is it possible to configure static emplacements? I noticed ALiVE currently does not spawn any.

    3. Is it possible to configure how many vehicles will spawn via ALiVE? If a faction config has a group of tanks, the entire group spawns, rather than one or two which would be preferred.

  2. 1 - There is no ability to add a cap but you could blacklist the AA units then manually add in a few to taste.

    2 - What do you mean exactly? Configure the objects/weapons used in the roadblocks? Or do you mean having it spawn random enemy statics?

    3 - Unfortunately not (related to #1) - ALiVE uses whatever config the mod author has created for it's group members. You would have to create your own group configs to get around this.

  3. Edited 9 years ago by looter

    Thanks for the reply!

    In regards to #2 yes, I mean ALiVE placing random enemy static weapons around/on top of buildings etc similar to what UPSMon does. So with regards to 1 and 3, I would need to setup a staticData script that uses the hashlist stuff to blacklist AA, then manually pop them in myself?

    Is there a clean way to go about throwing in units near ALiVE spawned groups, like maybe ALiVE fires an event with some data when it spawns a virtual group I can wait for?

  4. Edited 9 years ago by SavageCDN

    2 - yeah that feature doesn't exist in ALiVE although it can spawn roadblocks randomly which include static weapons... you can also place custom objectives with compositions that spawn... but nothing that puts statics on rooftops, etc.

    1 - correct you need a staticData.sqf file

    link for creating custom faction mappings:

    custom ammoboxes:

    There are lots of posts here on this subject - just search for staticData

  5. Holy shit, SavageCDN! Thanks for the link. I have a question about it so it'll be bumped shortly. I appreciate it. Started a thread about this just yesterday. Never saw the linked thread before.

  6. Okay, so I can blacklist all AA units effectively. But how can I spawn new AA units myself in areas ALiVE is spawning virtual AI groups? Is there a event handler alive fires when it spawns a virtual profile I can watch out for, so I can get the correct area to spawn units based on a probability?

    With the faction mappings, that looks like it's for fixing mods that don't have properly setup CfgGroups for their custom units. What I need is a way to figure out where ALiVE is running AI groups without hogging the server checking every enemy unit in the game or something weird.

  7. Hmm... not sure actually let me poke a dev

  8. My guess, and please correct me if I'm wrong.

    I would run the mission with AI debug on and get a feel for where its populating the AI. Then just drop a few AA squads in those areas. The key is (this is where I may need correction) you would need to then sync them back to the Virtual AI module, so that they will then be pulled in and virtualized.

    The only thing I'm not clear on is would they need to be synced to the OPCOM as well?

    Keep in mind though that since you have them black listed, once those squads are dead, there's not more AA enemies. Which may be what you're going for, but you would essentially have free reign over the skies unless you have AA vehicles going.

  9. Yep that would work as well.. just be warned that placing your AA groups and manually syncing to the VAI module does not guarantee the group will stay in that area - OPCOM could assign it as part of an attack for example. You could try giving the group some move/cycle waypoints (ALiVE recognizes both those types of WP) which in theory should keep it in the area.


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