Fleeing civilians (SOLVED)

  1. 9 years ago
    Edited 9 years ago by ToTo

    First post here! Alive is a wonderful tool, although quite complex. But its community seems very helpfull, so...

    I understand civilians are supposed to flee when firefight breaks out, and that's a very nice feature.
    But In the scenario I'm building, the Alive civilian population/placement modules works perfectly, exept civilians start running around and fleeing from town as soon as the mission starts...
    Some precisions: OPFOR units are positioned in the village (placed manually, all in a "safe" behaviour, one is playing an animation). Is that a problem? Any way to force these filthy peasants to remain in place (allowfleeing 0?) until BLUFOR is detected for example?

  2. Are you running any other mods? If you remove the OPFOR units and test do the civs still flee?

  3. Edited 9 years ago by ToTo

    @SavageCDN No gameplay changing mods exept C2 - Command and Control. I'll try without this one later today... Otherwise it's just CBA, Alive, CUP and a few maps.
    When I remove the OPFOR units, civilians behave properly (walking around, sitting...). I thought about the faction relations, but everything is on low.

    EDIT: C2 is not the culprit here. No changes...

  4. Odd... something is sending them into danger mode.. I've never heard a report of this before (when using ALiVE) hence my question about other mods.

  5. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Is running definitely caused by them sensing danger? If so I can confirm I see this always too. I didn't even realize it was an "issue." I just thought it was the way it worked.

    Even with no firefights around and everything being peaceful and hostility set to low, they (some, not all) run away from me a lot.

    I use a crap load of mods though. So take my thoughts on this with a grain of salt.

  6. Do they run when it's a friendly village? I.e. A blufor occupied town far behind the lines?

  7. Edited 9 years ago by ToTo

    @HeroesandvillainsOS I occasionally witness some of them running too, but here it's a different behaviour, they ALL run, and away from the village/troops...

    @Woody05 I'll try with BLUEFOR but I doubt its gonna make any difference.

  8. I'll have to pay more attention to it now that we're taking about it. But off the top of my head? Yes. They run. I'd estimate about 1/3 of them are afraid I might shoot them and drink their blood.

    Hint: They're not exactly wrong on that. ;)

  9. Edited 9 years ago by ToTo

    Ok this is getting weird... With BLUFOR the civilians behave properly, but with CSAT units too (single patrol in town). So they really don't like the CUP takistani militia, nor the CAF agressor version (I had the same problem with it), or its something with the init on some of these units. I'm confused, and I don't have the time to properly test their behaviour over multiple tries...

  10. Sorry If I missed this typed somewhere in the conversation above, but do you have civilians set hostile to OPFOR in the civilian population module?

  11. Edited 9 years ago by ToTo

    @SpyderBlack723 Yup you missed it ^ ^ , one of the first thing I checked. Everything is on low.

    EDIT: here is a picture illustrating the fact they really are fleeing the place, not just getting away from the approaching troops. http://imgur.com/58WRFjf

  12. This is how civies seem to react to me ever since ALiVE was initially released........thought maybe they were all just out for a jog :)

  13. Does this issue occur on other maps. I seem to remember Takistan being a bit odd with civilians sometimes. At times, civilians would just appear to all run away for no reason. Have never seen anything remotely similar on other maps though.

  14. You know, it could be just a Takistan. That was the mission of mine that I was noticing it in. Played on FATA last night and didn't notice anything odd.

    I'll pay closer attention for sure. Didn't realize this wasn't intended behavior.

  15. 8 years ago

    Marking as solved for now - please post back if that is not the case.

  16. I get this issue on Altis but with hostility towards bluefor set to the next to lowest setting. How ever I have never once had one shoot me.


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