Alive server addon (SOLVED)

  1. 9 years ago

    Hi there. I am new to ALiVE and i'm setting up my newly purchased server.
    I'm just wondering if the Alive server mod should be placed in the line of what mods to load on the server?

    should it look like something like this: @alive;@caf_ag;@ace3;@aliveserver;

    or does it need to go in some sort of script by itself?

    kind of hard to explain because english isnt my native language.

  2. Yes. Place it in the mod line and in my experience, always place it last like in your example.

  3. Yes, it should be used just like you showed


    ALiVE Server only needs to be ran on the server, players do not need to run ALiVE Server.

  4. Oh yes! Sorry my mistake. I misread the question and thought you were only asking about the server. What Spyder said. Clients don't run @aliveserver.

  5. Thanks for the answers guys:)

  6. Also @aliveserver is only required if you are using persistence and have your account setup in the War Room. See here for more info:


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