Vehicle no longer exists (SOLVED)

  1. 9 years ago

    Hi again.
    Anyone else experienced when sarting a mission it just goes back to the mission select screen and in chat you get........Vehicle no longer exists......

    i get it from RHS and Alive.

  2. Alright, i've done some testing. If i place vanilla units the mission loads just fine.
    Seems like there is something wrong with the RHS mod. the mission wont start when i use USMC desert units from @rhs_usf3.

    i'm only using @rhs_usf3, this should work alone without the other rhs mods or am i wrong?

  3. It's possible a recent RHS update has changed things around for that faction (USMC desert). If you try another US faction or a Russian one do you get the same error?

    AFAIK @rhs_usf3 is not dependent on the other RHS mods.. but I have been wrong in the past ;)

  4. Just tested with 4 different missions.
    army desert
    army woodland
    usmc desert
    usmc woodland

    None of them work, but if i place vanilla units it just plain works.

    i get some sort of error saying that rhsusf_usmc_marpat_wd_teamleader does not exist.
    but it works perfectly if i just host the mission from my own computer, just wont work on my server.
    could i be the loading order of my mods?

  5. Usually that error is caused by the mod not loading properly on the server... doubt it's the mod order but to be sure:

    Total modifications like @alive
    Non-content mods (AI mods, etc)
    Content mods (units, weapons, maps)

    Post your modline here if you can.

    Also check the server's RPT file to verify all the RHS mods are loading. If it appears they are try re-downloading RHS on the server.

  6. my modline is
    -noPause -noSound "-cfg=A3DS\basic.cfg" "-config=A3DS\server.cfg" "-profiles=A3DS\Profiles" -world=empty "-mod=@cup_terrains_core;@cup_terrains_maps;@CBA_A3;@ALiVE;@sthud_a3;@ACE3;@cTab;@CAF_AG;@sma;@tryk;@mrt_accfncs;@VanSchmoozin_MOHW_Camo_Pack;@rhs_usf3;@spyder_addons;@task_force_radio" -autoInit -exThreads=i also deleted the mod and reuploaded it to the server this morgen, still no success.

    I am using PW6 to manage my mods and everything is up to date.
    Coultd it be that my mod folder on this computer is on another hard drive? shouldnt be a problem because it works fine when i play other missions with my clan.

  7. mrbuer,

    Based upon that teamleader error I have a question. Do you have any units you have personally placed down? Check through those and make sure you don't have a teamleader that you placed. You should be able to mouse over them and get the class name to pop up. My thought is.

    You made the mission, placed a teamleader down as a playable unit, or somewhere on the map
    RHS updated, and removed the teamleader
    Now when you load your mission it is looking for that soldier class but RHS doesn't have it anymore therefore it doesn't exist.

    Happened to me when I had put down a tall radar from CUP. I tried to play without CUP in my mod list and the mission wouldn't load. Had to go back and figure out what object it was. Deleted it, and the mission ran fine.

  8. Woody05

    It can't be that because it doesn't matter what unit i place. Every single unit from RHS is not found.
    I think it has something to do with the server.

  9. Yeah this really does sound like RHS is not loading on the server for some reason. Your server's RPT file will verify this as it lists all running mods.

  10. Going to look for it when i get home. The server i rent is a virtual server, do you know where the rpt file is stored?

  11. Freaking RHS. We need to send an ALiVE guy in there to do covert ops and get the two to play nicely with eachother.

  12. Edited 9 years ago by SavageCDN

    On rented servers it will be stored in the A3 server directory... either the root or a sub-folder ie: \Logs

    File name will look like this: arma3_2016-02-10_17-37-18.rpt

    Look for this section:

    ============= List of mods ===============================================
  13. Thanks Savage. BTW this has to be the most helpfull forum i have experienced:)

  14. Alright! So i got some time to look at this again and i found the .rpt file.

    I found something that might be the problem... All the mods should go in the addon folder or am i wrong?

  15. All the mods should go in your arma3 root folder. So for me that's
    C:\program files 86\steam\steamapps\common\arma3

    That's where all your @mod folders go:

  16. Don't place other 3rd party addons in the main \Addons folder in the root of your A3 install... this only causes headaches. Create @folders and add these folders to your -mod line lauch parameter.


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