Playing on Asymmetrical Faction? (SOLVED)

  1. 9 years ago
    Edited 9 years ago by PillowTalk

    I was just wondering if the asymmetrical stuff works well for players being insurgents. Can the AI on the occupying/invading forces do stop & search to find them or is that something only human players on those teams can do?

    I'm wanting to set up a guerrilla type mission using the asymmetrical side as the player's faction up against only an occupying force, but I am not sure if it would be as simple as just placing the modules down and creating some player spawns. The wiki and everything that I see using it really is set up for counter insurgency, but I want to do kind of an underdog thing and be the insurgency.

  2. Edited 9 years ago by PillowTalk

    I just went ahead and made my thing. Pretty basic Insurgency, but with player slots on OPFOR. It plays pretty fine, except that they can't call for logistical help. I'll have to make my own thing so they can get reinforced by at least a convoy or something.

    I am curious what's going on with the task system thing. I know there are no Insurgency specific things, but it would be cool if it did, for both sides so if you were playing as the insurgents, you had missions to set up roadside IEDs and ambush the other team's convoys, etc. If you wouldn't mind taking example submissions of these types of things, I could make a few for it. :)

  3. Thanks for the update.. .sorry your post probably got lost in the noise of this forum :)

    Good to know playing as the insurgent is working well - I can make a feature request for insurgent-style missions and/or logistics although it might not get looked at until after the open source release of ALiVE.

  4. 8 years ago

    @SavageCDN Thanks for the update.. .sorry your post probably got lost in the noise of this forum :)

    Good to know playing as the insurgent is working well - I can make a feature request for insurgent-style missions and/or logistics although it might not get looked at until after the open source release of ALiVE.

    S'all good. I can just come up with a more unique way of handling player logistics for Insurgents in the mean time. Gives me a reason to work on a sort of barter/store system as I would imagine insurgents would be funding their war with drug money and not tax payer dollars, so I can do something to reflect that. :)

  5. Edited 8 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    One way of handling "logistics" is requiring players to ambush patrols and bases in order to seize additional ammunition, gear, and vehicles.

    Another method, which kind of depends on how in-depth you've coded the security forces to react and search the populace, could be having players smuggle weapons and gear from different areas of the map to wherever they want to store them.

  6. Edited 8 years ago by cenandira

    I apologize for the noobie-necro-bump, but have you expanded on this at all, PillowTalk? I love Spyder's idea and have started putting something together with a BluFor v IND (asym) scenario. As an overall Arma editing novice however, it's been pretty challenging. Heck, they're not even attacking each other, but that is no doubt my fault.

    What I'm really hoping to make is an ongoing mission for myself and a group of buddies where we facilitate a revolution on the asymmetrical side as Pillow described. I know task generation probably won't work, but some elements I really want are:

    1. Supply/Weapons runs or ambuses as Spyder suggested
    2. Stealing tech like vehicles
    3. Destroying important security force points which may affect the OpCom until they recapture
    4. Maybe implement some capturing or eliminating of AI targets? This may take too much coding on my behalf.
    5. Recruiting of AI of some kind so they can feel like they're really building up the IND force.
    6. An "end-game" base that is crazy secured for the team to destroy once they have collected some armor, advanced weapons, etc.

    I'd really like for ALiVE to handle most of it, though. I wouldn't want to limit it too much with static coding.

    If I may, that leaves me with a few respective questions:

    1. Can players be notified of BluFor convoys that are automated through the Logistics module? If not, can I ensure there are supplies generated in some way?
    2. Is there a way I can make sure there are a certain number of choppers, armor, or vehicles spread out through objectives for stealing?
    3. Is #3 or 4 above possible with relative ease? I think I may scrap these.
    4. How about the recruitment idea? The asym AI seems capable of it, but I'm not sure if I can put that control in the players' hands. If not, can they facilitate making the AI do it in some way?
    5. Is there a way to tack on an overall Winning condition like that base above? I figure I can make destroying a facility that's difficult to reach behind enemy lines as a "Game Over".

    Sorry for the wall of text folks, but I really wanted to thank the team for a tremendously impressive framework that even us new to editing the game can enjoy. I'm super grateful for any guidance you may have and look forward to playing and supporting the team and community as I can!

    Edit: Just saw Antistasi mentioned in another thread. I wouldn't want to abandon learning more about ALiVE, but I should mention that I am keeping that on my radar as well :)

  7. I'm hopeful as the ALiVE Devs get all of their current goals implemented into the mod, as things stabilizing and eventually BIS stops releasing updates as often (which often breaks things in ALiVE), we'll see them then turn their attention into expanding tasking and the ways we interact with the game to make things more immersive and meaningful.

    Every one of your ideas are incredible. I'd love to see them all in ALiVE someday.

    In the meantime I'd strongly encourage you to play Antistasi (it really is almost exactly what you're looking for), and continue to mess around with ALiVE and share your wishes for the mod back here.

  8. @cenandira

    I'm not sure how proficient you are at scripting but if you want you can download SpyderAddons and dePbo the mil_insurgency pbo. I played around with the idea of inserting the player into the role of an insurgent/asymmetric commander.

    There is no way to do these things with ALiVE only but there is some code in that pbo that allows you to manually setup installations.

  9. Excellent - thank you, guys! I appreciate the guidance and will certainly check out what you've recommended.


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