Choosing initial spawn point on mission start (SOLVED)

  1. 9 years ago

    So this probably isn't related to ALiVE specifically but getting an answer on r/armadev has eluded me. I have a mission with 4 respawn markers (respawn_west1 - respawn_west4). They consist of one main FOB and 3 smaller outposts.

    I have succeeded (thanks Spyder!) in getting that nifty menu to pop up when I die during the mission so I can choose which place I spawn at. But, on mission start, the game selects a spawn location for me at random.

    I want all players to at least start the mission at the main FOB where all the critical supplies are. Is this possible? The BIS wiki is too confusing because I'm a moron! :(

  2. Friznit

    16 Mar 2016 Administrator

    Respawnonstart=0 in description. Ext

    It's there in the BI wiki. Players will start where you place them on the map and the respawn menu will only show after you die.

  3. Edited 9 years ago by SavageCDN

    Probably something to do with this:

    respawnOnStart = 1;//Respawn on start. Run respawn script on start.
    respawnOnStart = 0;//Dont respawn on start. Run respawn script on start.
    respawnOnStart = -1;//Dont respawn on start. Don't run respawn script on start.

    Use 0 if you are using onPlayerRespawn to do loadouts, etc.

    edit: Friz ninja

  4. Deleted 9 years ago by SavageCDN
  5. Wow! Thanks guys!

    So it looks like respawnOnStart = 0; it is!

  6. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Interestingly, I already had respawnOnStart = 0; in my description.ext. For whatever reason, it does not ignore the respawn settings on mission start! BIS lies! :)

    However, setting it to 1 does allow me to choose my spawn point on mission start so I guess that'll do. Thanks guys.

  7. Edited 9 years ago by GhostNI

    Did i not read somewhere that respawn options in the description.ext are now obselete if using 3d editor?
    Tonnes of people complaining about spawning as a seagull and running a description.ext was apparently the issue. All your respawn options are now in the attributes dropdown menu in your 3d editor toolbar.

    PS. If you are running a mission that hasn't been converted to 3d then you're fine I suppose :)

  8. I'm converted to 3D and changing 1 to 0 in the description.ext does change how I spawn so I don't know why people are saying otherwise.

    Thanks for the tip on how to do this via the editor!

  9. It might be a case of, if you have an option set in the editor, that it ignores the corresponding setting selected in the description.ext

  10. Good point. I'll look at this later. I wasn't even aware until today it could even be set there.


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