RHS compatibility issues (SOLVED)

  1. 9 years ago

    I'm having some issues getting RHS factions to work with OPCOM:

    8:39:11 There are are no groups for OPCOM faction(s) ["rhs_faction_vdv","rhs_faction_msv"]! Please check if you chose the correct faction, and that the faction has groups defined in the ArmA 3 default categories infantry, motorized, mechanized, armored, air, sea!

    I have tried launching the mission with and without the staticData.sqf fix provided by maquez here, as well as playing with the load order of the mods in the launcher. This is occuring with the latest version of ALiVE on the Steam Workshop and RHS My mission.sqm is available here and my .rpt file is here .

    Mods used:
    CUP Terrains - Core
    CUP Terrains - Maps

  2. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Before we get to more extreme testing (out of my scope of knowledge), do you get the same message if you replace the faction with a vanilla one? Just want to make sure there isn't a TAOR/marker/objects issue. I think I've had this error before with factions that definitely work just because I didn't allow them to spawn on any compatible objects. Though I could be confusing it with a different error.

  3. Tupolov

    16 Mar 2016 Administrator

    Don't use Maquez data, that was broken.

    We tested with RHS and latest ALiVE 1.0.1 and it worked fine.

    As @HeroesandvillainsOS  suggested, try vanilla first, then try RHS.

  4. Edited 9 years ago by johnalive

    @HeroesandvillainsOS  do you get the same message if you replace the faction with a vanilla one?

    Yes; after removing the RHS factions from the 'Force factions' field and setting the AI commander faction to CSAT I got the same error (for faction OPF_F). However, when I set the objectives to 'Place units', the error went away and units spawned as expected. Next I tried setting the AI commander's faction back to rhs_faction_msv,rhs_faction_vdv while keeping the placements set to 'Place units'. The original error came back and CSAT units were spawned rather than RHS ones.

    @Tupolov Don't use Maquez data, that was broken.

    Noted - I've deleted those files from my mission folder.

  5. Edited 9 years ago by Anaximandross

    I'm getting this same error, but with Leights OpFor mod.

    I also tried switching to forcing the module to use OPF_G_F but that gave me the same error.

  6. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    If you're getting this error regardless of the faction you're using, I'm going to hazard a guess that you've somehow restricted the module from populating objects. There are a few things that can cause this, but first things first, find the exact module which is giving you this error (meaning, delete it, start the mission, and make sure the error goes away).

    Once you find the module that is the problem, look at:

    1. Your blacklist and whitelist lines. Make sure the area you're letting your units spawn...the whitelist..has compatible objects within it. So military objects for the Military Objective module and civilian objects for the Civilian Objective module.

    2. Make sure the module itself is literally sitting on top of a like object. The Military Objective module needs to literally be placed on top of a military object and the Civilian Objective module needs to literally be placed on top of a civilian object. You can see where the objects are by turning debug on in the module, starting the mission, and looking at your map. If you do this, make sure the blacklist and whitelist lines are blank. Make note of a compatible object from the map in game, go back into the editor and literally place the module on top of the object.

    3. Make sure you're not filtering the priority too high. If 1 and 2 are ok, you can still be having issues because you set the module to ignore small and medium objectives. Try "do not filter" first and see if the error goes away.

  7. In addition to what HeroesandVillains said, I would also make sure that each faction has at least one military objective. I had an entire faction that wouldn't work, and then I put down a military objective and suddenly everything decided to work.

  8. I seem to have fixed the issue by only listing one faction under the 'Force Faction' field for the AI commander module & its synced objectives. rhs_faction_msv and rhs_faction_vdv seem to work fine on their own, but when listed together they cause the error. The wiki says multiple factions of the same side can be listed in the 'Force Faction' field, so I guess this is a bug of some sort? Either way, this isn't that big an issue for me since the MSV and VDV factions contain similar groups (if anyone could explain the differences between the two, that would be great).

    @HeroesandvillainsOS  1. Your blacklist and whitelist lines. Make sure the area you're letting your units spawn...the whitelist..has compatible objects within it.

    The Russian commander is assigned to all Civillian objectives and medium-high priority Military objectives in Chernarus. These objectives are being assigned properly and contain plenty of objects. The only blacklist on the map is a TAOR over the BLUFOR spawn.

    @HeroesandvillainsOS 2. Make sure the module itself is literally sitting on top of a like object. The Military Objective module needs to literally be placed on top of a military object and the Civilian Objective module needs to literally be placed on top of a civilian object.

    I played around with the module's positions (placing them on top of the right objects, wrong objects, or no object at all) and it did not seem to have an effect on the error. I'm guessing this is mainly for the Military Placement module when 'Create HQ' is enabled?

    @HeroesandvillainsOS 3. Make sure you're not filtering the priority too high. If 1 and 2 are ok, you can still be having issues because you set the module to ignore small and medium objectives. Try "do not filter" first and see if the error goes away.

    The only filtering I've applied is for low-priority military objectives. On Chernarus, the wooden hunting towers are considered military objectives, so I've filtered them out. This still leaves plenty of objectives (with objects) for OPFOR to spawn near, so I don't think this is the issue.

  9. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    I'm pretty sure you can't use multiple factions in the force faction field so I think that was the problem.

  10. Only one faction for placement modules, multiple factions can be entered for OPCOM, C2ISTAR etc


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