Creating tasks that work with persistence?

  1. 9 years ago
    Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    So roaming around the internet I've found some guides for how to create a task. But all of them were made around alpha/beta stage and they're for SP. Are those ok to use?

    I have a mission on FATA where in the north I created a Taliban office building where an important meeting is being held. I want the mission to play like a normal ALiVE insurgency, with one over-arching optional task to kill this Taliban leader. Does anything special need to be done with the task marker and/or trigger initialization lines or whatever for the mission to work when persistence (and a dedicated server) is used?

    Also, I don't plan on virtualizing this officer. After he is killed, will he just continue to spawn where I place him every time this mission is continued? If so, I guess I could virtualize him but I wonder then if he'll be around the area where I place him...

    Not sure if making tasks like this is viable with persistence and MP in general.

  2. 8 years ago

    Think this one got lost in the forum noise. For tasks I'd recommend taking a look at SHK_Taskmaster

  3. Hi Heroes,

    told you I'd share my experiences with implementing tasks into persistent MP missions with you!

    Honestly I have to admit I started only recently to do so, but maybe my findings are helpful.

  4. I couldn't find the thread where u asked more specifically for ways to achieve your HVT objective - or was that in BIS Forums?

    However, I tried three different task types in my most recent ALIVE mission project.

    1) Meeting of one of the playable characters with an NPC to simulate the joining of forces and exchange of intel: works after a server save - quit - restart - rejoin cycle. Once succeded, this task stays in this status whenever I join again.

    2) Destruction of manually placed and named building: works partially in the sense that the destruction of the building which was checked for with the !alive umspannwerk code (umspannwerk is actual name of building I choose; can be anything else ofc) will be persistent. But since I had hang ups of the Alive saving system during server save snd exit the task was not registered as complete after loading that botched server save.

    3) Killing of HVT with !alive sep_boss code: not fully tested yet due to vacation without PC; will update results here.

  5. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    I'd imagine the answer to whether these custom tasks/triggers/object states/unit states being persistent would be relatively straightforward for a dev. I remember asking the question about these things and don't recall it ever being answered so thanks for testing it. :)

    It would make sense that the persistent save system would check for buildings seeing as the insurgency model relies on building destruction. It wouldn't surprise me if manually placed units alive state persisted as well, honestly. I just haven't explicitly tested it.

    But then I got to thinking about trigger states, task assignment and task completion states (etc) so I'll be happy to see what you come up with. I'd imagine creating a scenario for the sake of testing would be relatively straight forward, I just never got around to it on my end because the mission I'm working on isn't quite where I want it so thanks for putting in the work.

  6. Edited 8 years ago by revdogma

    The best way to deal with JIP and save state proof Tasks is to use Public variables as "trigger memory" if you will. There are tones of guides on this. Look for JIP proof tasks.

    I used this guide to kinda get the gist of how they build the JIP proof tasks' framework.

  7. I'm back after some intensive testing and, alas, following the above linked guide I couldn't get it to work.

    After the "full cycle" of starting-playing-sever save&exit-restart server-load ALiVE persistence savegame I enjoyed full ALiVE persistence - position, stats, inventory... everything defo worked! But my manually created tasks were set to start status as if I had never done them.

    I'll ask around in the BIS forum thread as well if anyone else got it to work or has other ideas...

  8. It honestly wouldn't surprise me if ALiVE's persistence database didn't check for trigger conditions or task states. Obviously I'd love if you found some solution but perhaps it's just as simple as this not being possible, because ALiVE doesn't check for these things during the saving process?

  9. Yep, might be just that. The thread was looong dead, and IT07, the author of the script that I tried to use was last active in 2015...

    I'll ask in the BIS thread of SHK_Taskmaster if there's a chance to make it work with that system which SavageCDN recommended.

  10. Nice. Yeah if you hear anything let me know.


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