Issue with non vanilla factions

  1. 8 years ago

    I'm having this strange issue where alive is not recognizing any non vanilla factions. What might be possibly causing this issue?
    Here is a image of the error being output on sidechat.

    This was outputted in the RPT

    0:28:23 Error: Attribute 'faction3' of 'ALiVE_mil_OPCOM' logic have misconfigured default value (Expected values are 1 or 0 which states for true or false)
    0:28:23 Error: Attribute 'faction4' of 'ALiVE_mil_OPCOM' logic have misconfigured default value (Expected values are 1 or 0 which states for true or false)
    0:28:23 Error: Attribute 'faction1' of 'ALiVE_mil_OPCOM' logic have misconfigured default value (Expected values are 1 or 0 which states for true or false)
    0:28:23 Error: Attribute 'faction2' of 'ALiVE_mil_OPCOM' logic have misconfigured default value (Expected values are 1 or 0 which states for true or false)

    Also this, same as side chat output
    "23:49:41 There are are no groups for OPCOM faction(s) ["rhs_faction_vdv"]! Please check if you chose the correct faction, and that the faction has groups defined in the ArmA 3 default categories infantry, motorized, mechanized, armored, air, sea!"

    Everything else looked normal.

    Full list of mods used,

  2. highhead

    14 Apr 2016 Administrator

    You are not using the correct version of ALiVE! Please ensure you have the latest official version....

  3. I just updated to the latest version and I am still having the same issue.

  4. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    A few things to check.

    Make sure you are typing the faction name correctly in the force faction lines. If you are forcing multiple factions, seperate them with a comma with no spaces. Also make sure your military objective and civ objective modules are actually touching military and civilian objects. On the same note, make sure your TAOR's and AO markers contain those objects.

  5. I still can not find what causing the issue, anything else might cause it?

  6. Please post your mission file

  7. This contains a lot of other issues, I do not think they are related though.

  8. highhead

    15 Apr 2016 Administrator
    Edited 8 years ago by highhead

    Attribute 'faction3' of 'ALiVE_mil_OPCOM' logic have misconfigured default value (Expected values are 1 or 0 which states for true or false)

    --> This message says that there is miscvonfigured default value, which actually was correct some time ago (default = true) but this has been changed long since.

    This is what it is now in cfgVehicles.hpp of alive_mil_opcom:

    class faction3
                                    displayName = "$STR_ALIVE_OPCOM_FACTION";
                                    description = "$STR_ALIVE_OPCOM_FACTION_COMMENT";
                                    class Values
                                    		class NONE
                                                    name = "NONE";
                                                    value = "NONE";
                                                    default = 1;
                                            class NATO
                                                    name = "NATO";
                                                    value = "BLU_F";
                                            class IRAN
                                                    name = "CSAT";
                                                    value = "OPF_F";
                                            class GREEKARMY
                                                    name = "AAF";
                                                    value = "IND_F";
                                            class REBELS_BLU
                                                    name = "REBELS BLU";
                                                    value = "BLU_G_F";
    		                                class REBELS_OPF
                                                    name = "REBELS RED";
                                                    value = "OPF_G_F";
  9. highhead

    15 Apr 2016 Administrator

    BTW: I can't open the mission.sqm as its binarized to check, but...

    If its a mission that you copypasted from some old one it would be worth trying to replace the OPCOM modules totally and set it up freshly.


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