error: <if (!is3DEN && (_value > 0))

  1. 8 years ago

    hi all guys!

    sorry to boring you...but new error!

    Error in expression <if (!is3DEN && (_value > 0)) then {_value remoteExec ['setViewD>
    12:49:34 Error position: <> 0)) then {_value remoteExec ['setViewD>
    12:49:34 Error >: Type Array, expected Number,Not a Number
    12:49:47 Wrong color format

    i add the .rpt file

    i am using the fixed alive version whithout the author/ bug, and ace3 (because cant load mission whithout it)
    thanks for any help!

  2. Edited 8 years ago by marceldev89

    !is3DEN doesn't exist in the ALiVE code, it's probably something you added in your init.sqf. Anyway, judging by the error it should be:

    if (!is3DEN && (count _value) > 0)
  3. i dont have any init.sqf !
    in 1.58 all was working fine. Now with latest small updates (after 1.60) i got this new error in my mission (i didnt changed anything).

  4. Try running a mission with only CBA and ALIVE enabled, if it still occurs then it's probably BIS code.

    Can you share your Rpt here, thanks.

  5. eh..i cannot run this mission whitout ACE3, it has some modules from it :(
    the .RPT with ACE3 is in my first post.
    sorry dont know how be more useful :(

  6. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    @DLEGION eh..i cannot run this mission whitout ACE3, it has some modules from it :(
    the .RPT with ACE3 is in my first post.
    sorry dont know how be more useful :(

    They're trying to figure out if this is an error caused by ALiVE. If it is (which you can confirm with running just ALiVE and CBA) they can look into fixing it. If not, they can't.

    If it's an ACE error, try to duplicate it with just vanilla and ACE (and whatever ACE's dependencies are) and report your findings over to the ACE team.

    If it's only being caused by a conflcit between ALiVE and ACE then whoever fixes it will be determined by a coin flip. Or arm wrestling match. Or talent show. :)

  7. ok guys...i just copy ALL the editor placed things (units, modules ecc..) and pasted in a fresh new map....
    ...and it simply worked! no more error!
    i tried ACE3, non-ACE3, nothing changes. new version has no error. old one still has error.
    its some sort of bugged map save or what ?
    scary...really scary.

  8. Did you have any scripts in your mission? If you've just copy pasted onto another map those scripts won't be there and could be the source of your error

  9. You right wang, i forgot to mention i have no scripts. I discovered another mission made by me has same error. I did the same (copy & paste in a fresh map, and again no more error ! I really cant understand what can be !

  10. Where is this error showing up? In your logs? On the screen in the editor? When you click on a certain object?

  11. the error is showing up in the editor, and while playing, at start.

  12. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    I've got an idea. Do you use 3Den Enhanced by R3vo?

    I'm wondering if you can make the error go away simply by opening the Intel tab in the top panel in the editor (where the weather and date and time stuff is set) and clicking ok.

  13. Edited 8 years ago by DLEGION

    I use it ! Let me check....


    N-E-W___P-E-R-S-O-N-A-L___H-E-R-O !
    it worked ! yeah !
    huge thanks man !

  14. No problem. :) Thank R3vo. I had a similar error and he told me how to fix it.

    I'm glad it worked for you too.

  15. huge thanks man !

  16. Huh, well I know what I'll be doing tonight when I get home from work.


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