Adding Intel to a unit

  1. 8 years ago

    I've started making side missions for our Return to Takistan mission.
    First I stole an awesome idea I read here and have a respawning container full of supplies which the player can deliver to 1 of 6 locations around the map to reduce hostility toward the British forces. (the further you have to travel the more impact it has)

    I've also added a rogue member of the press who is a sympathiser to the insurgents. At random times the players are given a rough location (about the size of the town) on the map, and they have an hour to locate and capture this member of the press and bring him back to the base and deliver him to the "CIA building" on base.

    I have a couple of other ideas that I'm working on also, but I also have a quick question.

    I know you can gather intel from insurgents, but how do I add intel? I want this reporter to be carrying some intel on him to reward the player for capturing him.

  2. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Ok so I definitely can't answer your question. I may just forward you a PM. But how are you ensuring your tasks are either persistent or capable of working with JIP players.

    EDIT: I decided I could ask the same question without a huge wall of text. So the question:

    Are create task, set task state and manually placed (non-virtualized) units persistent across sessions?

  3. Edited 8 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    Just a heads up, this should be pretty easy but I don't have access to my computer that has ALIVE on it atm.

    If I don't respond to this thread again within 2-3 days, please bump and I'll get back to you.

  4. @HeroesandvillainsOS  honestly I don't know. These tasks don't take the players long at all, in fact the reporter hunt has a 60-70 min time limit on it before he's gone. Although there is a 2-6 hour delay before the mission repeats, so it'll be interesting to see if the timer on that trigger carries over a server save.
    The supply delivery is something you'd really want to do in a single session though. The only things that would really carry over is the reputation you gain with the civvies I guess.

  5. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Thanks for the answer. I have my doubts about editor created tasks being persistent, but we'll see. Since the muck up with 1.60, I'm reworking my persistent mission on Capraia to contain 2 HVT tasks. These tasks now being the centerpiece, rather than just patrolling about, killing enemies, using persistence, etc. The map is quite small so I think having set objectives would be better and more fun for a one-night session with friends.

    I'm just debating now on how to assign the tasks so all players can see them. Do you know offhand if I set the task assigned trigger to activate only once by BLUFOR, if all grouped (human) players will see the tasks pop up on the screen?

    Or do you know of a better method for having all playable units get tasks assigned to them?

  6. I've got my task module set to show for all playable units, but I've yet to be able to test that with more than one player.
    I had to fix my side mission script last night because I realized I wasn't running it on the server so each player would have seen a different random location for the reporter. The joys of working on multiplayer missions after years of only doing single player stuff I guess

  7. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Yeah I'm in the same boat. I'm just about done with a hostage rescue mission on Zargabad and I'm not sure it would work in a MP environment. Like you I've only tested it alone in SP.

    I'm handing out the tasks with triggers which are set to be activated once by BLUFOR (so I'm hoping all playable units will see it since they are all grouped to the team leader).

    When a specific Intel item is recovered, a new task opens up to reveal 3 potential locations the hostage could be held, all of which are then marked on the map upon finding the Intel. The mission completes when the hostage is safely brought back to base (and again, this is all trigger and task module based).

    It's a fun mission but I need to find a way to test in an online environment. If you ever want, PM me and we can test each other's missions together.

  8. I should be able to drop the answer either tonight or tomorrow once I have internet, sorry for the delay.

  9. @SpyderBlack723 I should be able to drop the answer either tonight or tomorrow once I have internet, sorry for the delay.

    In my mind you moved into the place from Cabin in the Woods. Whatever you do, stay out of the basement. It won't end well.

  10. I...I.. I sleep in the basement..

  11. Oh no! :(

  12. _object addAction ["Read Intel", {_params = _this select 3; openmap true; [_params select 0, 1500, _params select 1] call ALiVE_fnc_OPCOMToggleInstallations}, 1, false, true, "", "alive _target"];

  13. Thanks dude, I'll give that a try tonight

  14. I actually forgot a small bit, here is the fixed version.

    _object addAction ["Read Intel", {_params = _this select 3; openmap true; [_params select 0, 1500, _params select 1] call ALiVE_fnc_OPCOMToggleInstallations}, [getPos _obj, side _obj], 1, false, true, "", "alive _target"];

    I added [position_obj, side _obj]

    Position is just the position to grab nearby installations from and side is just the asymmetric side

  15. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    So where does this go? In the init of a document (or any object)?

    Which then I assume has a "Read Intel" add action which will reveal an installation?

  16. Curious about this one too... Does it go in a object or civilian maybe?

  17. If you don't know how to script it's easiest to put it on a unit. If you do, replace all instances of _obj with the word: this

  18. hi wang, if you are interested to test your missions on a server i would like to provide a test environment. im looking for alive mission makers to brainstorm. feel free to contact me @: [email protected]

  19. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    @SpyderBlack723 I actually forgot a small bit, here is the fixed version.

    _object addAction ["Read Intel", {_params = _this select 3; openmap true; [_params select 0, 1500, _params select 1] call ALiVE_fnc_OPCOMToggleInstallations}, [getPos _obj, side _obj], 1, false, true, "", "alive _target"];

    I added [position_obj, side _obj]

    Position is just the position to grab nearby installations from and side is just the asymmetric side


    Sorry for the bump. This goes in the object init line in the editor and will reveal objectives in the same manner as the new Intel on dead bodies system?

    I'm just looking for clarification for where to put the code.

  20. This is for adding intel to individual units, if you use it in an init line for a unit, replace all instances of _object with this

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