Suicide Bomber Respawn

  1. 8 years ago

    While trying to solve my intermittent persistence issues (Solved - either router or hub is going bad) I had the ied debug on and teleported into a zone which triggered the ied markers and then shortly a suicide bomber who promptly made his way to me aand almost killed me.

    After that I was in that zone for a while and never saw another suicide bomber spawn in that zone. Will suicide bobmber continue to reappear at random in the zone or do me (and my non-virtualized troops) need to leave the zone and then reenter it to spawn more suicide bombers?


  2. IIRC you do not need to leave the zone for other SBs to appear.. however they aren't exactly common so you might need to wait a bit and/or piss off the locals even more to get another to show up.

  3. I was hoping that's how it was. Thanks.


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