Alive Factions Spreadsheet

  1. 8 years ago

    Hello Everyone!

    I recently was making an ALiVE mission but I couldn't find info on factions and such. I know the wiki has an area for compatible factions, but after looking for mods, I noticed it was outdated. I ended up making a spreadsheet with all the factions of the mods I ended up downloading and I want you share it with you all. I hope this information is useful to at least someone. Cheers!

  2. Friznit

    2 Jul 2016 Administrator

    Nice one. Have added a link to the wiki here:

    Might be an idea to indicate what type of groups are available for these factions in time. Would you consider making it editable by all so we can all help contribute?

    I'll see if we can install the Google spreadsheet widget for mediawiki so we can embed it.

  3. Sure thing!

  4. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Looking at that list it's actually really disappointing how few of them (that I've tried) have anything other than infantry and motorized groups or work as intended with ALiVE! We need more mods!

    Massi's units are great and has civs, though some of his soldier factions are not working right or just lack in available ALiVE groups. This goes for all of his various factions. Only a small handful can spawn anything other than infantry even when the groups have been defined and are available under groups in the editor (this is using the vehicles versions of his mods BTW).

    For instance, his CSAT re-skins in USSOCOM have pretty much the full suit of groups and they all work. The NATO-reskins (mas_usa_rang) within the same mod will not spawn anything other than infantry even though the groups exist. I'd imagine it's a bug.

    His Middle East Insurgents are infantry only. The Takistani Insurgents are infantry and motorized only. The HD versions of each of these are infantry only.

    CAF Aggressors middle easterners have infantry/motorized/civs

    CUP Takistani civilians actually aren't in the CUP mod currently and should be removed from the list.

    From what I understand, Leights is currently having issues with ALiVE ("ALiVE compatibility" is coming in the next update according to Keeway).

    Iraq-Syrian Conflict seems to work ok but is shooting really frequent errors. So much so I ditched it and have decided to wait and see what Accuracythruvolume does with the next update. Use with caution. It also has no civs.

    3CB is infantry only. No civs.

  5. I agree we need more faction/units mods with more variety, right now, everyone pretty much adds their own version of the same old played out factions. If I had knowledge, i would do it but sadly, I just picked up arma about 2 weeks ago


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