Hey everyone,
I have a favour to ask.
We need to understand what are the best house positions (when a group garrisons it.. i.e. firing positions) for the new APEX buildings.
Here's a list:
"Land_Barracks_01_dilapidated_F" - 38 positions "Land_Cargo_Tower_V4_F" 18 "Land_BagBunker_01_large_green_F" - 13 positions "Land_Cargo_HQ_V4_F" 13 "Land_PillboxBunker_01_big_F" 6 "Land_PillboxBunker_01_hex_F" 5
for each building we need a list of positions in priority order.
To try the positions out, place the building on the map, place a unit, point your gun/cursor at the building - in the debug console run this first:
positions = [cursorTarget] call BIS_fnc_buildingPositions;
Then you can try the positions out by using:
player setpos (positions select 0);
obviously swap out 0 for whatever position number you want to test.
Please post your findings and I'll add them to ALiVE