I have followed the instruction per https://github.com/ALiVEOS/ALiVE.OS/wiki/How-to-Set-Up-Dev-Environment
and i'm getting the error below:
P:\x\alive\utils\tools>git branch
* master
PATH - B:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3
EXE - MakePBO -A -BD -L -P -U -X=thumbs.db,*.h,*.dep,*.bak,*.png,*.log,*.pew -Z=default
SOURCE - P:\x\alive\addons
MakePBO x64UnicodeVersion 1.90, Dll 5.66 "amb_civ_command"
MakePbo: Building entries:...
CfgFunctions.hpp compressing CfgFunctions.hpp compressing 'CfgFunctions.hpp' from 4666 to 975 (79.10%)
CfgPatches.hpp compressing CfgPatches.hpp compressing 'CfgPatches.hpp' from 627 to 435 (30.62%)
CfgVehicles.hpp compressing CfgVehicles.hpp compressing 'CfgVehicles.hpp' from 0 to 4 (-1.#J%) rejected
config.cpp In File P:\x\alive\addons\amb_civ_command\CfgFunctions.hpp: Line 7 Expected Semicolon (or eol)
Generalised lintcheck error
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