Question about the Raven UAV from RHS...

  1. 8 years ago

    So this came to mind today in a conversation I was having with another member of our community. We have been using the Raven from RHS and they said it was due to "server resources" being brought down by the other UAV's in the game which ALiVE recognizes. I haven't had a chance to test this thought from them yet BUT if the Raven from RHS does not allow items to spawn in like a player does or as they say like the standard UAV does then is that a bug/feature on the ALiVE side or is it a bug/feature on the RHS side?

    I personally don't think the Raven should be used if it doesn't return useful intelligence due to not showing enemy presence in an area that is known to have AI forces running around preparing to get slaughtered.

    Has anyone else used the MQ-11 Raven and if so what are your thoughts, suggestions, complaints, etc...?

  2. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    RHS is known to follow their own rule set.

    So I take it their UAV doesn't represent a "player," so therefore doesn't show spawned virtual units when nearby? Yeah that would make it pretty useless as far as this mod is concerned.

  3. Edited 8 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    Only reason I could see this happening is if they ignore the UAV base class that Arma provides and instead make their own.

  4. I can not be 100% sure how it is called whether it functions the same as the stock UAV's or not but I do know that it does not have the same control functions as the other UAV's in that it flies along a set radius without having input from the player in control. So I guess the real answer is now that I get to turn a few guys loose on the test server we have to see how it really functions.

  5. run this in the debug console and relay me the results

    hint str ("rhsuavclassname" isKindOf "UAV")
  6. Edited 8 years ago by Nichols

    So in using the code above the following items return a false value when added into the debug menu. There is no single classname of the RQ11 Raven in RHS but it is a group of parts listed in the Config viewer under "CfgVehicleClasses"as displayName = "RHS RQ-11 Parts";.


    I haven't loaded up an RHS based ALiVE yet to verify that they spawn in but we did determine that the items are not really one piece when they are working together but they are all scripted to work together.

  7. That means they probably defined their own UAV class. Not sure what is to gain by doing so, but that's essentially why it's behavior in ALiVE spawning is different.

  8. Hmmmm which could account for all sorts of bullshitery that we have been seeing happening.

  9. Edited 8 years ago by Nichols

    When you look inside their RHSUSAF mod you find the following:


    That drills down into several different items and one of them which was not listed as a classname in their documentation is rq_11 and rq11b. Going to load up one more time and try that code on those two classnames and see what gets returned; along with a hunch I now have about some other aspects.

    OK both of those return as false also. Guess it is something to do with the classname somewhere and most likely purely scripted. I guess I could always send Feint; original dev; a message and see what he says.

  10. Friznit

    29 Nov 2016 Administrator
    Edited 8 years ago by Friznit

    We use them with ALiVE to good effect by deploying them as they were intended - low level, short range tactical ISR. In other words, we keep 'em within 1500m of the players :P

    But otherwise no, they won't spawn profiles because they do not inherit from the BIS standard UAV class.

  11. Thanks for the confirmation Friznit.


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