Player Combat support without C2ISTAR

  1. 8 years ago

    Is it possible to give a unit access to the menu options for Combat Support and not have access to C2ISTAR options? (such as intel, tasks and so on)

    I set the required item in the C2ISTAR module to "Alive_tablet" and the item in the Combat Support module to "tf_rt1523g" but nothing shows up at all for units that only have the "tf_rt1523g" backpack. If I then change the required item for C2ISTAR to "tf_rt1523g" as well both modules functionality show up correctly.

    Is this intended behavior?

  2. Yes. Just place the Combat Support modules down and don't put a CISTAR module down. You'll still get the Player Combat Support option in your menu.

  3. But I still like to use C2ISTAR for auto-tasking and generating intel, just have the menu options tied to a different item.

  4. I've tested and it should work fine using different items for both. make sure that you have the proper classname for the items included.

  5. Did you try it just now or was it sometime before? I just unloaded all mods and set up a basic mission, I used two different items (compass and watch) for Combat Support and C2ISTAR and saw the same behavior there.

    So when I remove the item for C2ISTAR from my inventory I also loose the Combat Support access, but the item linked to the Combat Support seem to correctly toggle access as I pick up / drop it.

  6. I'd say just open a ticket on the Github then if you feel pretty confident you set up the classnames right and can duplicate it in vanilla (meaning ALiVE/CBA only).


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