VCom and ALiVE

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  2. 6 years ago

    @cbff33 have you gone through and adjusted the AISettingsV3 file that is part of the VCOM script that you run on the server? If you haven't then I suggest you use that to do what you are looking for with the AI squad members. Also since we don't generally run AI transport helos we have no experience dealing with the problems you are all referring to with pilots not landing. I am interested in what you all find out though as we might run those things in the future.

  3. On another note our communities have never run VCOM as a mod so that might be a problem in and of itself; we always run it server side as a script so we don't generally get user side conflicts.

  4. I have looked, and cannot find any option to have vcom not interact with user controlled AI. Yesterday on a mission, a blufor vehicle came into our AO. My AI flocked to that vehicle. Every few minutes, the AI would start responding verbally to commands, but yet I was giving none. It had to be VCOM trying to order them to board the vehicle. And when I ordered them to regroup they would acknowledge my order, but would not leave the vehicle vicinity. The player air support, they will show up. land as directed, and I can board and then talk to pilot and go where I want to go. When I order the air support to RTB, they fly a few kilometers away and then just hover, they refuse to RTB. As stated, I believe if one were running a server, where you have no AI in your faction, all people in game are under human control, but your opposing force is all AI control, I think this works great. The AI in my squad, are definitely receiving orders from me as well as VCOM. VCOM only gives you the option to disable VCOM control for a whole force from what I am seeing in the menus.

  5. @cbff33 I have looked, and cannot find any option to have vcom not interact with user controlled AI. Yesterday on a mission, a blufor vehicle came into our AO. My AI flocked to that vehicle. Every few minutes, the AI would start responding verbally to commands, but yet I was giving none. It had to be VCOM trying to order them to board the vehicle. And when I ordered them to regroup they would acknowledge my order, but would not leave the vehicle vicinity. The player air support, they will show up. land as directed, and I can board and then talk to pilot and go where I want to go. When I order the air support to RTB, they fly a few kilometers away and then just hover, they refuse to RTB. As stated, I believe if one were running a server, where you have no AI in your faction, all people in game are under human control, but your opposing force is all AI control, I think this works great. The AI in my squad, are definitely receiving orders from me as well as VCOM. VCOM only gives you the option to disable VCOM control for a whole force from what I am seeing in the menus.

    You can disable VCOM AI from getting into random vehicles in the addon options either in the editor or in the game options. I've seen the setting already, and I actually kind of like it because they will actually get around the map a little quicker. However, I recommend disabling civilian vehicles in ALiVE because the military units will use those as well rather than only military vehicles. It would be nice to get more control of what faction of vehicles VCOM AI is allowed to board.

  6. We've been running VCOM 3.0 in our latest campaign which has been a Vanilla mission on Altis using only ALiVE, TFAR and ACE and not once in about 4 weeks of the mission running have my guys complained about VCOM taking over supports. (and my guys complain about EVERYTHING)

    I had a couple of issues in the last mission we did but that stopped once I added the (group this) setVariable ["Vcm_Disable",true]; into the code line of the support modules.

  7. I used that script and the player combat support helos were still acting wonky.

    fatsquirrel, my issue is not random AI entering vehicles. My issue is with VCOM itself, commandeering the AI in my squad. As stated before, it is more than obvious when my 8 ai squad members rush to a vehicle, and then I hear 16 radio transmissions, roger, copy that, on my way. And I have not given my AI squad members any commands what so ever. So they are receiving commands from VCOM, but these AI are attached to me, but they won't actually carry out any orders from VCOM or me, but they do acknowledge orders were given.

    As stated previously, this may work well on a server. But it clearly is buggy beyond all get out with SP.

  8. @cbff33 But it clearly is buggy beyond all get out with SP.

    It's not a "bug" that it's doing what it's supposed to ie giving orders to AI.
    If you look in the settings you'll see VCM_SIDEENABLED = [west,east,resistance]; //Sides that will activate Vcom AI Simply remove the side that you're playing as.

    Or you could run the (group this) setVariable ["Vcm_Disable",true]; code on the player (you may have to loop it I'm not sure) which should disable VCOM on any unit in your group.

    And then if that's not enough for you make a request on GitHub for it to automatically disable on a group when the player is group leader. I think there was an option for that before the rewrite.

  9. I wouldn't want to disable a whole force from VCOM. Just any AI under player control. It would be a horrible mismatch to have one force using VCOM and another one not using! There are way too many good features. I will contact the person who made VCOM and see if it would be possible to have it disable as you described, when under control of an active player.

  10. Edited 6 years ago by DrDetroit

    I notice this behavior too, where my AI are not responding to me and yet seem to be acknowledging orders. However, generally this behavior happens after I've been killed and respawn in.

    What usually works is to select F1 (yourself), then '0', then '1' which is "done". Sometimes I'll have to select my entire platoon, then F1, '0' and "done".

    75% of the time this works. I've noticed this behavior for years now, it seems.

    Good day!

  11. Sorry if this has already been mentioned, but is there any way to disable VCOM automatically on all air units with the current version? I'm still seeing especially military logistic choppers bringing reinforcements just hanging in the air doing nothing, and as far as I know, there's no way to disable VCOM from them with the "(group this) setVariable.." command.

  12. Okay i have scavenged the internet attempting to find two things to help fix my issues with VCOM & ALiVE. So much seems outdated so i am making this post.

    I have already followed most guides to the best of my ability. I am running the scripted version of Vcom 3

    Urelated to ALiVE, can somebody help with with getting the VCOM customized settings file working with my dedicated server, i feel like im making a noob mistske in the placement of the file, but no matter what i try the server loads with default Vcom settings. I have file patching turned on and again followed most guides

    Currently This is where I thought it needed to be - This being my TADST launcher folder.


    I have also tried it locally in my own game folder but that didnt make sense anyway as well as the TADST profiles folder. Im so lost with this one. Please help.

    -Specifically with ALiVE & VCom

    I am currently having issues with the the AI commander CAS units (forget what the module is called) that i have manually placed (empty) following the guide. This causes for the siren & the pilots to run to the helicopters.

    Two things happen: Vcom takes over the pilots when they are standing waiting for a call and on occasion the helecopters will RTB but never land. Ive also noticed pilot helicopters resupplying troops behave...odly to say the least.

    I have already followed guides for setting up Vcom to ignore helicopers in my missions init.sqf but it is possible I did something wrong but it seems like its working since Player CAS is working normally.

    Any help is much appreciated

  13. 5 years ago

    Now that I've been running a dedi server for my persistant Arma3/Alive campaigns, I'm going to try Vcom again, but as a script, loaded in my server this time.

    My question is, do I just copy past the script from Vcom into my server config files or just FTP the @vcom folder into my server game files?

    Thanks in advance!

  14. Edited 5 years ago by YonV

    Just get the script version and copy the vcom folder to the mission, (I use the their github, I think its more up to date, maybe?)

    and add the following to your init.sqf

    // VCOM AI 																																		//
    //      			  											//
    //Exec Vcom AI function
    _vcom = [] execVM "Vcom\VcomInit.sqf";
    waitUntil {scriptDone _vcom};
    //Globally disable VCOM_AI for Air units including Combat Support and Logistics. 
    [{{Driver _x setvariable ["NOAI",true];} foreach (vehicles select {_x isKindOf 'air'});}, 1, []] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;

    and the following in to your description.ext

    // CfgFunctions																																//
    class CfgFunctions 
    	#include "Vcom\cfgFunctions.hpp"
    // Extended_PreInit_EventHandlers																							//
    class Extended_PreInit_EventHandlers {
    	VCM_CBASettings = call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "Vcom\Functions\VCM_CBASettings.sqf";
    // CfgRemoteExec																															//
    class CfgRemoteExec
    	// List of script functions allowed to be sent from client via remoteExec
    	class Functions
    		mode = 2;
    		jip = 1;		
    		class vcm_serverask { allowedTargets = 0;jip = 1; };
    		class VCM_PublicScript { allowedTargets = 0;jip = 1; };
    		class BIS_fnc_debugConsoleExec { allowedTargets = 0;jip = 1; };
    		class SpawnScript { allowedTargets = 0;jip = 1; };
    		class enableSimulationGlobal { allowedTargets = 0;jip = 1; };
    		class VCM_fnc_KnowAbout { allowedTargets = 0;jip = 1; };
  15. Thank you YonV! Much appreciated!

  16. If you grab the latest script version you don't need anything in the init and the code for disabling air units shouldn't work because the variable names have changed.

    I just add (group this) setVariable ["Vcm_Disable",true]; to the code line for all the supports and any other units I want to disable VCOM on

  17. JD ; do you add this varable to the ini in the support module?

  18. Edited 5 years ago by YonV

    The code line of the support module I believe

  19. Yeah throw it in the code field

  20. I mean, I run VCOM ASR Bcombat and some personal scripts as well with ALiVE, anything goes. ALiVE just handles placements really...

  21. For a week now my games fps drops so much and it will also freeze commonly. I tested a quick mission where im a tank driver with 2 members. The fps drops significantly. I removed vcom and retried. Perfect fps. I believe vcom is breaking my games

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