Help with ALiVE Insurgent Faction!

  1. 8 years ago

    Help! I'm trying to setup an AliVE insurgency but I've run into problems when adding the insurgent faction!

    The faction I am adding to the Enemy AI commander is rhsgref_faction_chdkz (Which Is know is a working faction) but I keep getting the following error message: " There are are no groups for OPCOM faction(s) [rhsgref_faction_chdkz]! Please check you chose the correct factions, and that factions have groups defined in the arma 3 default categories " If someone could help me with this issue that would be great!

    I can provide the Mission files as well if necessary.

  2. Make sure there are placement modules that spawn units for that faction.

  3. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Henning, did you get any GREF compatibility mods from the ORBAT sticky on the forums here? GREF isn't normally compatible with ALiVE so I want to first rule that in or out. Also, can you post some screenshots with your Military AI Commander, Military AI Commander Civilian Objective and Military AI Commander Military Objective modules open so we can see how you set them up?

  4. -image-




  5. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Thanks that all looks setup correctly. Though I don't see any AO or OPFOR markers in the photo (which is not related to this topic, it's just an observation).

    So this leads me to believe you aren't using any RHS GREF + ALiVE compatibility mods. Are you? Remember, GREF is not ALiVE compatible out of the box right now. You'd either need to be using a community made compatibility mod, or one you made yourself.

    If you're not sure what I'm saying, try this:

    You have RHS RUS loaded, correct? What happens if you put rhs_faction_msv in the faction overrides? Or for that matter, OPF_F is fine as well. If units spawn when you change the faction, it means GREF units aren't spawning for you because your faction isn't ALiVE ready.


    Grab the "RHSChedaki" file from the link I provided above. A little tip if you plan to use the OPFOR GREF ChDKZ - set the independent side to be friendly towards the OPFOR, as the GREF faction spawns units from both sides I'm pretty sure.


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