I'm seeing some really cool stuff being posted on the Github

  1. 8 years ago

    specifically by Tupolov and Friznit.

    Dynamic compositions and fortifications.

    Civilian crowds.

    Really hope those features make the cut in the near future.

    Good stuff fellas.

  2. Tupolov

    5 Jan 2017 Administrator
    Edited 8 years ago by Tupolov

    The team are having a "Hackathon" on Jan 13th for 12 hours of non-stop coding/bug-fixing/testing. Half the team are meeting at a location in London, the other half are connecting remotely via audio/video conference. Should be fun!

    In order to scope the day, we are getting the github tickets sorted out (this doesn't mean its open day to submit feature requests as we will be super busy!) ;)

    We're hoping to have to push out a number of bug fixes, improvements and exciting new things over the next few months.

  3. Sounds awesome, Hope you have a good time! Can barely wait for the upcoming releases :)

  4. Wow that's so cool. Have fun at the Hackathon and we all really appreciate the creative ideas. The Github is a goldmine right now.

  5. Civilian crowds was something I tried to get to work to no effect. That sounds amazing.

  6. Sounds amazing! Thanks for all your collective awesomeness.

  7. Really nice, wish i was be able to contribute more to the awsome work you guys do.

  8. wow thats incredible to hear, super dedication to your work lads, well done.

  9. Hackathon?! Thank you for the dedication you're displaying ALiVE team! I can feel myself getting excited seeing you guys so enthusiastic about what you're doing!

  10. Hopefully someone can have a go at creating "dickers" or trigger men for IEDs.
    Something I really like about the EOD mod is that it will spawn vehicles with IED's attached and a triggerman with a cellphone nearby.
    If you kill/arrest the trigger man then the car is safe to approach, if not then the triggerman sets off the IED when you get close.

    The problem with this in the EOD mod though is that I can't see any way to specify what cars it uses, so if I used it for my Takistan mission the only vanilla cars you see you would know where potential IED's with triggermen :(

    The other thing would be trip mines across doorways. Although that could be a real PITA to make work properly.

    I don't suppose there's any chance we could see Spyders civilian interaction/ambiance/CTP finally integrated into ALiVE? I just made a vanilla ALiVE mission for my group and I have to admit that added layer of "immersion" is what I miss most about using no mods.

  11. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Triggermen for VBIED's are a great idea. Put that on the Github! Any kind of activity like this that lets the player do stuff other than shoot things is a +1 in my book.

    I'd also love to see Spyder Addons incorporated officially into ALiVE but I guess that's really his call on whether he has the time or desire to support and integrate it.

    You're right that it adds a lot to the experience and I can't play without it myself. It's a must have IMO.

  12. In order to scope the day, we are getting the github tickets sorted out (this doesn't mean its open day to submit feature requests as we will be super busy!)


  13. Civilian stuff will be looked at.

    I'd also love to see Spyder Addons incorporated officially into ALiVE but I guess that's really his call on whether he has the time or desire to support and integrate it.

    You can look at the amount of changes I've made to the system in recent time as a hint to the state of my desire to work on that type of stuff too much..

  14. GunnyDev

    11 Jan 2017 Administrator


  15. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    You can look at the amount of changes I've made to the system in recent time as a hint to the state of my desire to work on that type of stuff too much..

    Understandable. You were pretty much working on the mod what seemed like 24/7 at one point (doing a massive amount of the most impressive stuff I've ever used in Arma with constant substantial updates) so I totally get it that you'd need some time off.

    It doesn't make me love it less though even if you're busy. :) Spyder Addons is quite an accomplishment and SEVERELY not known about amongst the community at large.

  16. Edited 8 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    It doesn't make me love it less though even if you're busy. :) Spyder Addons is quite an accomplishment and SEVERELY not known about amongst the community at large.

    I'll take 10k dl's on a solo side-project any day :)

    Edit: And included in a whopping 120+ mod collections on steam alone.

  17. Oh wow! Congrats! The last I checked I think you were at 4K so that's awesome! Much deserved man. That's 10,000 much improved Arma games!

  18. As I say it's the one addon I'm struggling not to add to our "Vanilla only " ALiVE mission.

  19. So how did it go??

  20. https://github.com/ALiVEOS/ALiVE.OS/pulse

    21 issues closed, 4 opened as a result of the hackathon.

    Many many bugs fixed, some new ones found (and subsequently fixed!), a few feature requests granted, and some new projects were started as well. Not too mention the invaluable motivation it gave us all to keep working on ALiVE.

    The benefits of this will continue to be seen and felt as time goes forward.

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