BCR reinforcements question

  1. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    When set to a fixed number, is the force pool ever supposed to increase?

    I'm messing around with a mission where I set my force pool to 100. After getting a message my force pool had dropped to 97, about a half hour later I received a message in the radio chat it had increased to 103.

    I was under the impression that only setting force pool to "dynamic" instead of a fixed number would cause defined increases and decreases. I take it that's incorrect or have I discovered a bug?

    The "Reinforcement Type" dropdown is admittedly a little confusing. The hint seems to refer only to where the insertion can take place so perhaps when that's set to dynamic it's also designed to work similarly to a "dynamic" force pool where you get bonuses for conquering objectives?


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