ALiVE 1.2.7 Released

  1. 8 years ago


    6 Jan 2017 Administrator

  2. GunnyDev

    6 Jan 2017 Administrator

    Is it on PWS yet?

  3. Ahhhh1!! Nice stuff you guys have in there! I'm just waiting for the STEAM version to hit, and getting the new Server Dll now. Hope BIS updates to 64bit for release soon.

    I am very intrigued by the Real Weatherâ„¢ stuff you guys put in there.

    I also saw a fix for Sabotage mission and indestructible buildings. Is that fix extended to IED/REcruitment buildings for ASYM campaigns? Particularly on Tanoa as it's impossible to play an ASYM campaign on there right now.

  4. Possibly yes, if there are no buildings in an area that are listed as destructible then it will still default to a non-destructible building. However, if there is one building that is destructible and one that isn't, it will choose the correct building. This update introduced a manual blacklist for some A2/A1 buildings that have been ported and aren't destructible, but it isn't 100% comprehensive.

  5. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    I see this ticket is still open:

    Would buildings like these *probably* be included in the update? If I should manually add them to the blacklist, how does one do that? Could I get an example for how these two buildings need to be written in the blacklist line (sorry if there is no blacklist line. I'm not at home but assume there's a blacklist module option)?


    Is it as simple as just putting a comma between them, and writing them exactly as they are written?

  6. GunnyDev

    6 Jan 2017 Administrator

    It checks the config now to see if the type is destructible.

    !((getText(configfile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (typeOf _x) >> "destrType")) == "DestructNo");

  7. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Right I saw that in the changelog. I see Spyder said it is not foolproof. I was just asking for clarification on how to use the blacklist with the examples I've written above.

  8. Tupolov

    6 Jan 2017 Administrator
    Edited 8 years ago by GunnyDev

    @GunnyDev Is it on PWS yet?


  9. Friznit

    6 Jan 2017 Administrator

    On Steam now too.

  10. GunnyDev

    6 Jan 2017 Administrator


  11. Friznit

    6 Jan 2017 Administrator

    I don't go to meetings

  12. Please.... explain step by step how to set up Real Weather? The module says check the wiki.... there is nothing on the wiki.

    Do we put USA/MIAMI in the field? Is it UnitedStatesofAmerica? America?

    Please, thanks:)

  13. Tupolov

    6 Jan 2017 Administrator
    Edited 8 years ago by Tupolov


    Check rpt

  14. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    For the new OPCOM option to override the amount of simultaneous attack objectives, does this apply to insurgent HQ's that need to be blown up (Recruitment, IED, Weapons HQ's)?

    Or does it only apply to mil/civ objectives that OPCOM attempts to attack and occupy?

    I guess I'm wondering if the Assymetric only objectives are included in this calculation (IE if I set it to 1, OPCOM can only create 1 insurgent HQ for the cycle, and will just occupy the rest of their current objectives and cease to continue advancing and creating HQ's).

  15. I'm not sure what you guys did, but insurgencies seem much better now. They're establishing their HQ's very efficiently and can become busy-bees doing evil stuff when given the space to do so.

    Good job.

    I do want to point out that, I tend to use the option "none" for pre-placed installations. This used to mean in most missions, with the way I set them up, it could take upwards of an hour for them to start placing installations on their own. Now they get to work right away, which I love. So I guess, if anyone made any before 1.2.7, I'd certainly advise you to take a look because your mission balance will very likely have changed a lot and will probably need an update to retain the original feel.

    One odd quirk though. I have 5 or 6 insurgencies going right now. In only one, I'm having an odd problem where the mission will work fine and the OPCOM will place installations nicely. However, if I exit back to the editor and press play again, the OPCOM commander will not only never place any installations (after several hours. When it's "working" normally they begin after about 15 minutes), but both sides eventually stop fighting each other.

    Again, I've only seen this occur in one mission (sporadically) and I have spent a good 15-20 hours looking at this since the update without any problems on most of my other missions.

    I'll try deleting and replacing some modules and keep an eye on that. If it continues I'll post the rpt file.

  16. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Does anyone know if the Intel on dead bodies feature is still working? I haven't seen any over the last couple of ops (so about 3-4 hours worth with the highest setting) so I just wanted to check in and see if it's still functioning correctly.

    If no one knows I'll keep playing and report back.

  17. Yeah from what I've seen it's still working fine. Although that was on the higher setting. On the lower setting I'm not so sure.

  18. Cool thanks man. I use the higher one too. I'm pretty used to getting some Intel in just about every other encounter, but I haven't seen any in forever since the update.

    Good to know it's working for you. I appreciate it.

  19. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    How long is "normal" for loading a persistent save? It's been awhile for me since I tried to continue a mission from the database. 12 minutes now and I'm not feeling too good about it actually loading so I guess I'll start again.

    The original save consisted of around 130 profiles and 2 CQB locations, so not that much really. And when it saved yesterday, it took like less than a minute so I'd assume my internet should be decent enough.

    Is this kind of load time normal these days?

  20. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Hmmm. Not sure what's going on here. I tried a second session and let it load for 18 minutes with no luck. Here is the plugin log and server rpt from a third (unsuccessful) attempt that I let load in the neighborhood of 8-10 minutes or so:

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