Performance dramatic drop down when ALiVE turn on

  1. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by God of Monkeys

    Recently I place ALiVE Module on our team's Training mission.
    This mission is work very fine before place ALiVE on it.
    After place ALiVE Module, my teammate report to me their performance dramatic drop down (FPS 10~20) when Training mission start.

    Before place ALiVE module, the mission only have few module with ACE & TFAR.
    And I only place ALiVE's [ALiVE (Required)], [ALiVE Database] and [ALiVE Player Options].
    My intent is very simple, I only want ALiVE's WarRoom help me to record AAR that's all.

    Have I done any wrong setting?

  2. If you didn't tweak the modules then you may have all kinds of things turned on you don't need or want. I would suggest going through and checking for things like total troops, types of troops, civilian population, civilian and military ambient vehicles, etc... If none of those are tweaked you could be looking at FPS killers on a server; especially if you are hosting it from your gaming rig.

  3. Edited 8 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    Please test with only ALIVE and CBA active on an otherwise blank map, the modules you listed have no performance impact.

  4. @SpyderBlack723 Please test with only ALIVE and CBA active on an otherwise blank map, the modules you listed have no performance impact.

    ok, I start to try every module one by one........

  5. Deleted 8 years ago by God of Monkeys

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