New CQB Static Weapons

  1. 8 years ago

    Hate to start a new thread but didn't see one to shoehorn into... :)

    Is it possible/how might one go about defining what static weapons to spawn on rooftops using this? This is an awesome feature, but was wanting to keep the kit consistent. Thanks!

  2. Friznit

    5 Mar 2017 Administrator

    It's not possible at the moment while the feature is still WIP.

  3. I assume at this stage it grabs Statics from the faction? What prevents it from putting a D30 or other Arty on the roof?

  4. Thanks Friznit!

  5. Friznit

    6 Mar 2017 Administrator

    @willithappen I assume at this stage it grabs Statics from the faction? What prevents it from putting a D30 or other Arty on the roof?

    Just vanilla stuff at the moment.

  6. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    I'm pretty excited for this. It should make even basic low-threat patrols pretty intense. Occasionally you see videos of ISIS raining hell from rooftops with manned turrets so this will be pretty sweet and timely.

  7. Edited 8 years ago by BvB

    Yeah I'm thrilled to see this coming. As is Ill scatter some empty mgs/mortars/atgms/recoiless rifles between buildings, windows n roofs. To have it random and automatic will be a huge step up, and mortars coupled with AI mods to use them will make good recon and cas/arty far more vital.

  8. This feature only consists of turrets, correct? Or mortars too?

  9. Friznit

    6 Mar 2017 Administrator

    Vanilla statics, so MG and mortars.

  10. Oh haha. Mortars add a whole new level of danger. Pretty cool. Thanks.

  11. In the future world of ALiVE, roof repairmen are king. :)

  12. @Friznit Vanilla statics, so MG and mortars.

    Awesome stuff!

  13. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    @Friznit Could we get a hint in the editor about how to properly use the static feature? The default is 0 and the black box hint doesn't say what to do. It should tell you the forumla (pretend example: put 0.25 to have static weapons at 25% of the spawned CQB locations, etc).

  14. Edited 8 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    enter 0.5 to have a 50% chance of one static weapon to be deployed on a CQB building that has a walkable roof. Enter 1 and this makes every building with a walkable roof carry one static weapon. Enter 2 or above to make every walkable roof carry the number of static weapons you entered.

    If somebody currently on master branch wants to change the comment in the xml file that would be nice.

  15. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    What setting are you guys enjoying for this? I don't want them on every compatible rooftop, but a decent sprinkling to increase the enemy's dangerousness would be nice. 0.25?

  16. Friznit

    19 Mar 2017 Administrator

  17. I am going full retard in my UW mission I am making. I want the PLA to have roof mounted weapons all over towns since they are in full on occupation mode.


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