Server persistence issues

  1. 8 years ago

    Alright so, lets try and fix this issue again!
    ALiVE insurgency on Clafgan.

    Everything was going well, then when I saved the mission for some updates in the editor, uploaded, saving was broken again!
    "Saving persistence please wait" Stuck on this message.

    This is becoming frustrating because all I want to do is enjoy this amazing mod, but I am plagued with problems. HALP plz.

    Real talk, I have replaced every module, saving works fine with startup mission provided with mods. Saving worked fine with this too, until a new version where I simply changed a few settings. (Yes I tried reverting to a backup, didnt help). Any ideas from anyone? Just wanna shoot stuff with friends.

  2. Were you logged in as admin?

  3. @marceldev89 Yep, I was

  4. Edited 8 years ago by marceldev89

    Well, the logs do seem to show that it's not saving anything after you clicked the "server exit & save" button... Kinda weird.

    @Tupolov you're up. :)

  5. Edited 8 years ago by Repo

    @marceldev89 It did seem that way yes. It initiates the save, then gives up and goes back to being stubborn.

  6. Edited 8 years ago by marceldev89

    @Repo can you try updating @aliveserver to whatever is the latest? There were some changes done to it a bit ago, could be related.


  7. @marceldev89 Updating ALiVE server did not fix the problem.

  8. Edited 8 years ago by marceldev89

    Hmm it seems that you're not using the latest stable ALiVE release. It should report your server IP in the server RPT with a message like:

    YOUR SERVER EXTERNAL IP ADDRESS AS SEEN BY WAR ROOM: XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX (Ensure it matches with your War Room server entry if you have any issues)


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