AI combat reports?

  1. 8 years ago

    Is there any way for an AI group (virtualized or unvirtualized) to report contact? It would be amazing if they could give information on the enemy position as well, but I'm really just hoping to be able to see when a unit is in combat in general. Any help is appreciated!

  2. Place C2ISTAR module

    App Menu >> C2ISTAR >> Intel >> unit marking
    Groups in combat will be marked accordingly

  3. ^^^ I use this a lot when entering a new area just incase. Some of my favorite ALiVE moments have come from getting the leg up on a few guys this way.

  4. You both are beautiful people. Thank you.

  5. If I can ever find the sound files for numbers (1, 2, 3 etc), I'll add a more hands free solution where groups call out grid references over radio.

  6. Sounds awesome, Spyder. Is there any way to allow intel among two sides? I want to share intel with an INDEP faction, so I can see their units/enemy spotting in the intel section without showing the OPFOR intel.

  7. Don't think that's possible right now, but logically you should be able to see allied units and the enemies they have spotted as well. Will try to remember to add a ticket for it.

  8. Thanks Spyder!


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