Trigger to start OPCOM

  1. 8 years ago

    I'm currently working on a mission wherein I want to have three sides. I want an occupation force, an insurgency force, and an invasion force. I've got the occupation and insurgency forces locked down, and I am trying to get the the invader to start it's invasion on a specific date and time. My solution to this is to place a trigger with

    date isEqualTo [2017,05,10,5,00]

    in the condition field, and sync it to the Military commander AI module. Before I do this and start pulling my hair out, do I have this figured correctly?

  2. @highhead

  3. Friznit

    14 Mar 2017 Administrator

    You'll need to pause OPCOM then unpause it using the trigger:

  4. Crap

  5. 7 years ago

    Would I just need to sync the trigger to the opcom module? And as an aside, can I pause the opcom before the mission loads, and say start it up on a certain date?

  6. I think A3 allows you to sync a trigger to a module, which causes the module to not initialize until the trigger is set to true.

  7. Cool deal. If I sync the trigger with, I can't remember the syntax right now (wait until Alive is initialized), activation field to pause it. Then a date to deactivate the trigger and start the module. I think I might have confused myself there.

  8. Posting in forums on a phone just doesn't work out all that well for me. Ok, having had more time to think about this would this work? In the init of the OPCOM I have ["ALIVE_MIL_OPCOM"] call ALiVE_fnc_pauseModule;. In the trigger, which is sync'd to the module I have ; Condition date isEqualTo [2017,06,1,9,00] (which is the day my mission starts but three hours later. And in the Activation field I have ["ALIVE_MIL_OPCOM"] call ALiVE_fnc_unPauseModule;. Am I anywhere close?

  9. Not sure if this has ever been tried.. you might have to give it a go and let us know if it works.

  10. It does not. Putting that in the init of the module, doesn't seem to have any affect whatsoever. Would it need to go into the init. Sqf?

  11. I doubt it would make a difference but worth a try

  12. highhead

    18 Jul 2017 Administrator

    it works and has been done int the Sabotage mission! In this mission a custom objective is added to the enemy OPCOM whixh he then is attacking via trigger! Ill take a look at your specific case though!

  13. @highhead, do you mean it worked the way I have it configured? Because that would be a first :D


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