Civ Objective when invading?

  1. 8 years ago

    HI folks, I am new here. First off, I just want to thank the makers of ALiVE for Super-Charging ARMA. Wow, this really is a game in itself. I have had some killer gameplay (SP) in recent days, so basically I am hooked. But I also realise I have a bit to learn before I have things unfolding nicely.

    So, I wanted to ask a couple of questions, I hope that's ok :)

    I am creating a standard invasion vs occupation mission in Altis. Opfor are occupying, and are based at the main central Altis military base. They have a military objective, and a Civ objective, and reinforcements. Blufor are based to the west of the island, and are set to move eastwards to take the miliatary base. Classic west vs east I guess. Next mission - more imagination!!

    So, my questions...

    WRT Civ objectives for the attacking (invading force), what exactly does this enable? If I set the force size in the blufor Civ objective to, say, 60, does that mean I get an extra 60 units for the fight against opfor, of are those 60 units designed to hold that town? Also, by setting a blufor Civ objective and syncing to the opfor military AI commander, does that mean the opfor commander will be trying to destroy both the blufor mil 'and' Civ objectives?

    WRT Reinforcements and supply lines, does the spawning of RF units happen at the point that I lay down the module? So if I set that module far away, RF take longer to arrive? Or does none of that matter?

    WRT SP Save Games, I can see I need to do this via the War Room. Do I need to rent a server for this, or can I use my own PC as the server (sorry, I am a total mission-editor-introvert, and have never hosted a server of any type before, because I have no mates X).

    And lastly, last night I set up my invading blufor mil objective at a non-military location, and got very few VAI units, even though I'd set the limit to 200. Do the mil objective locations have a big impact on the units they spawn? I have seen some errors when I have placed mil objectives badly, other times I have placed them in non-military objectives 'without' errors, so if anyone could give me some advice on this, or any of the above, well that would just be really appreciated.

    And again - ALiVE .... Simply awesome!

  2. Friznit

    14 Mar 2017 Administrator

    1. If you place a Civ Objectives module and tell it to spawn 60, then you'll get 60 groups to cover all civ objectives in addition to any that you have set in the Mil Objectives module. The AI Commander will task all groups to take any objective, whether Civ or Mil, during gameplay. Syncing works as you describe - you need to sync the modules up so the AI Commander "knows about" those objectives, and will attempt to capture them.

    2. Battle Casualty Replacements will spawn in at the nearest objective to where you place the module, then move from there via convoy or heli lift to the front line.

    3. You can use your own PC as a "local dedicated server" (run up a server using ArmA3server.exe - there's a guide on the BI forums). If you have a dynamic IP, you'll just need to ensure you update your IP on the War Room whenever it changes.

    4. The AI need som starter objectives to spawn at, so that could be the problem. It's best to avoid using the "hard limiter" and instead use TAORs (whitelist marker zones) and force sizes to tweak the number of groups available until you get the right balance.

    Glad you like ALiVE!

  3. Friznit, that is great advice, thanks for all of that mate. I'll keep experimenting :)


  4. For setting up your own dedicated server I recommend using TADST (search BIS forums) and make sure you assign different CPU cores to armaserver.exe (server) and arma.exe (client) to get the best performance. War Room aside you will get better performance with ALiVE running a server.

  5. ^^^ I use TASDT but I honestly don't know if it will work for 64-bit and Tophe isn't really active anymore. Just a heads up.

  6. Just change the server exe

  7. @HeroesandvillainsOS  ^^^ I use TASDT but I honestly don't know if it will work for 64-bit and Tophe isn't really active anymore. Just a heads up.

    @HeroesandvillainsOS  it works on 64bit. I was running release candidate a few weeks ago and was able to run a local host several times using TADST.

  8. That's good to know. Thanks guys.


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