BCR/Logistics paradropping question

  1. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Assuming a faction is configured for logistics properly, and that faction does NOT have any helicopters, is paradropping units/convoy vehicles (etc) normal behavior? Without helis to land and insert them, paradropping would be the only way to replenish, would that be correct?

    If so, and you're playing against a primitive faction (let's say ISIS), do any of you do anything to "hide" the paradropping so the opposing human side never has see it and have their immersion ruined?

    I've never tried to do this, so I think it's possible but I'm not sure. Perhaps I can place a MIL Obj module, use the manual HQ option, and place the module slightly off the map? Would that work? Would they still resupply from other held military objects on the physical map as well (hopefully no).

  2. If you did that, set logistics to static and made it 999 priority you should be good. I did this on a mission where the highest priority non-custom objective was an airbase and the runways were forever unusable because of the constant parachute traffic. :)

    Fwiw, I onow paradroping was done to avoid seeing units just appear, but such an option would be nice to have, as parachuting units may also be out of place in some situations.

  3. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Thanks. So just to be clear, even if a faction has NO helicopters, and therefore are convoy only, convoy units will always be paradropped in? Would that be correct?

    I've always assumed this, but I've honestly never looked and tried to be present during numerous resupplies (mainly because of the explody stuff :) ). I'm assuming convoys don't just spawn on the ground out of nowhere but figured I'd ask.

    If you did that, set logistics to static and made it 999 priority you should be good.

    So I set Military Logistics to static, and place a 999 priority custom obj module in a military area? Or wait, that's probably not right. How would I do this? Could you give me a step by step?

  4. Friznit

    15 Mar 2017 Administrator

    Paradrop only happens at the initial spawn location and then only if a player is present. The move to the front line is always via convoy or helicopter lift, if helis are available for the faction

  5. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Thanks Friznit, that answers my first part (paradropping cant be avoided). I appreciate it.

    I think I have a decent understanding on how to set up my own static objective HQ to limit where the resupply takes place, but if anyone has a sec to give me a step-by-step, that would be helpful.


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