Logistics Issue

  1. 8 years ago

    My logistics force pool always reads "Current force pool: WAITING", and logistics usually take a good amount of time to arrive. Convoys don't even leave, though I can confirm that the convoy units spawn and get inside the vehicle at the insertion point, they don't head out. I have a slew of mods loaded, so it may have something to do with that. I'm going to try and clean up some stuff and see what happens, but I was hoping somebody might have had a similar experience and could provide insight.

  2. Edited 8 years ago by dev614

    I've set up a lightweight conventional mission on Stratis using only RHSUSAF, RHSAFRF, CBA, and ALiVE and the logistics seem to work better. The force pool shows after the mission initializes for a moment and I'm able to request logistics and get quick responses, as well as track the status. Convoys still are not working, however. They get parachuted in and just sit there, and the convoy portion of the logistics is the one I'm trying to utilize.

    It seems like ALiVE isn't virtualizing the units, when they spawn they aren't recognized by ALiVE and don't have their own profile. After "profiling non-profiled units", I was able to order the motorized units via the Operations section, but I was hoping the convoy feature itself would do all of that.

    The helicopter transport option seems to work fine, though the helicopter spawns in a weird area and then travels to where I have my custom objective/logistics module THEN heads to the drop off point, but overall it works.

  3. Edited 8 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    Noticed the logistics tablet issue myself, needs looking at.

  4. Interesting. Is this across the board? So all logistics convoys in every situation and mod set won't get virtualized?

  5. Forcepool should be displayed properly in MP for next update

    Keep in mind you need to be the same faction as the OPCOM who's forcepool you wish to view.

  6. @HeroesandvillainsOS  Interesting. Is this across the board? So all logistics convoys in every situation and mod set won't get virtualized?

    I've yet to try on other factions, but it hasn't worked for RHS factions nor my ORBAT created ones.

    @SpyderBlack723 Forcepool should be displayed properly in MP for next update

    Keep in mind you need to be the same faction as the OPCOM who's forcepool you wish to view.

    I believe this was my problem in my original mission, I was playing as a rhs_faction_usmc_wd member trying to command rhs_faction_usmc_d soldiers.

    Is there a way to specify where the helicopter insertion heli will spawn? Right now it spawns up north towards the enemy, then travels south to it's custom objective, then heads out the insertion point, which is up north typically.

  7. I've created a new semi-lightweight mission using a lot of the mods I usually use, excluding some of the heavier ones like ACE. The logistic convoys seem to be functional now, though some little things prevent it from working sometimes. For example, when you request infantry units for a convoy and they parachute in, the whole unit takes damage when landing, and some die. You can imagine this causes problems with whatever logistics request those units were involved in and they don't leave after landing. I'm going to keep performing tests and hopefully I can get logistics working how they're supposed to. I've made a lot of progress since the initial post.


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