Quick insurgency question concerning vehicles

  1. 8 years ago

    Is there a way for asymmetric forces to somehow acquire a vehicle to replenish their force pool? I have my insurgent forces starting out with three technicals, and I didn't know if after those three were taken out, if more would ever surface.

  2. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Insurgents will only replenish with infantry soldiers. I'd like to see something like this too, but it would ideally be something creative, like for example the vehicles are taken from civs or something, and not new vehicle units just popping in out of nowhere.

  3. Right, thats what I was hoping the case was. Maybe making use of civilian ambient vehicles, and this is a long shot, but maybe driving them within the vicinity of a weapons depot to turn it into a mounted technical? That would be too amazing.

  4. That's not a bad idea. I like it.

  5. Ditto. And if VCOM could get the AI using static weapon backpacks from mod, have them grav a mortar and mg to go run an ambush then stash them and melt away.. Seemingly (not scriptong wise, but relative to some of the more substantial features offered) such simple things that would make for amazing scenarios.


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