New error with 1.68 and Project OPFOR

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 8 years ago

    Thanks. I just did. Gotta love platform updates!

    Though I will say, my performance is absolutely amazing. I just messed around in a Takistan mission and it's buttery smooth. It used to chug a little when spawning enemies and new areas of the map but now it's really very pleasant. I'm impressed.

  3. Fly across altis with 5k VD going upwards of 700km/h

  4. @SpyderBlack723 Fly across altis with 5k VD going upwards of 700km/h

    Is this a trap? I think it's a trap. :( Will I CTD or wish I had?

    I didn't even think to increase my VD yesterday either. I think I play at 2000-ish? I can definitely boost that now I think. Not that I let enemies spawn that far from me, but because I can and it feels liberating. :)

  5. highhead

    17 Mar 2017 Administrator

    let me rephrase my comment in slack:


    is po_factions_me

    19:25:02 Error in expression <re")) then {
    if (["ALiVE_require"] call ALiVE_fnc_isModuleAvailable) then {
    19:25:02 Error position: <ALiVE_fnc_isModuleAvailable) then {
    19:25:02 Error Undefined variable in expression: alive_fnc_ismoduleavailable
    19:25:02 File po_factions_me\staticData.sqf, line 3

    as soon as I install mods i get issues
    ah its project opfor

    i'd like to see what po_factions_me is doing but getting a derap error on extractpboing

    but its pretty obvious.... its trying to detect if ALiVE is available with an ALiVE function that would not be available if ALiVE isn't available...

    it's like telling somebody about his full eMail-box via eMail...

  6. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    That makes sense. Not like it's super important for me to know the "why" here, because as Spyder says I'm sure Keeway can figure it out and I'm no scripter, but if Project OPFOR hasn't updated, and ALiVE hasn't updated, what about 1.68 makes this error happen?

  7. Friznit

    17 Mar 2017 Administrator

    If you're internet is down, please check our website for updates.

  8. It doesn't, it only occurs when running LOP without running ALiVE.

  9. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    My rpt should show it occurs with stable ALiVE and PO running at the same time.

    EDIT: The rpt is RC ALiVE I think, but that's besides the point. I have them both running.

  10. Keyboard error: Press F1 to resume

  11. @SavageCDN Keyboard error: Press F1 to resume


  12. @Friznit If you're internet is down, please check our website for updates.

    Similar to this one.. implying that you can press F1 on your keyboard when it's not working... It's a classic old BIOS error message.

  13. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    You guys aren't talking to me then I take it? I'm not really sure what this has to do with this error (which occurs with ALiVE modules loaded). Is this a continuation from a private Slack (or whatever it's called) discussion or something?

  14. memes

    • backs away slowly*
    • squints eyes*
    • leaves thread and is confused*
    • eyes still squinted*
  15. highhead

    20 Mar 2017 Administrator

    Hi Heroes!

    All is fine comrade, its nothing about you - the devs are just weird guys!

    I can confirm this issue, but I cannot say why its happening. I have been on A3 dev branch, then A3 RC and now LIVE with 1.68 and I have seen this error the first time when testing your mission with the many custom modules. So it may as well only happen since 1.68.

    While it is correct, that checking if ALiVE is loaded with ALiVE_fnc_isModuleAvailable isn't very sensible, I also get the error with ALiVE loaded, which actually makes no sense.

    My best guess is, that with 1.68 there are suddenly issues with initialising functions before the "game" has started (ergo 3DEN and intros). So it's nothing you did wrong at all, but I am not sure if we could fix that at all. The error would also be fixed, if the check would use a cfgPatches call to detect ALiVE instead of the ALiVE function.

    I am also not sure if this has ANY gameplay effect at all, as the function is then available! Feel free to ask, if this doesn't make any sense to you! I am all there for you, mate!


  16. @highhead but its pretty obvious.... its trying to detect if ALiVE is available with an ALiVE function that would not be available if ALiVE isn't available...

    it's like telling somebody about his full eMail-box via eMail...

    Sorry Heroes... we are posting additional examples of what HH mentioned.

    Friznit If you're internet is down, please check our website for updates.

    SavageCDN Keyboard error: Press F1 to resume

    Variations on theme... .. memes if you like :)

    I'll see myself out....

  17. highhead

    20 Mar 2017 Administrator


  18. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Oh haha yeah I get it now. :) Wow. I'm pretty dense. :(

    @highhead (who is not @marceldev89), that makes a lot of sense. I can say with certainty this is a new error regarding 1.68. Even testing the RC briefly on 1.66 didn't make this error appear on my end. It was only when updating my platform that I started to see it (perhaps it's even 64-bit related. I never tried 64-bit before it went live).

    But yeah, I agree it the error seems harmless. I am noticing a lot of new script errors along with this one though, which I'm going to do my best at isolating later. I was flying a chopper around CLAFGHAN and it was error spam central, but I was using RHS/PO so I'll see what happens when I take some NATO out for a ride.

    And thanks for all the help guys. I really appreciate it.

  19. @HeroesandvillainsOS&nbsp; Relay this to Keeway

    Check if the function is not nil first

    if (!isnil "ALiVE_fnc_isModuleAvailable" && {Check if modules are available here})
  20. @SpyderBlack723 @HeroesandvillainsOS&nbsp; Relay this to Keeway

    Check if the function is not nil first
    if (!isnil "ALiVE_fnc_isModuleAvailable" && {Check if modules are available here})

    Forwarded. Thanks Spyder.


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