Help with hostility script

  1. 8 years ago

    Hey guys, I'm trying to make a script that adds an action to all NATO Support boxes that will lower the hostility of the sector by x amount where that support box is at. Each support box should run the:
    '[position, sides, value] call ALIVE_fnc_updateSectorHostility; ' code at the support boxes position, and after performing the action on that support box, I'd like the option to disappear for THAT box only. For instance, if I have a convoy deliver three NATO support boxes, I would like to be able to click each box once and for the action to disappear, updating the hostility per support box.

    Any help would be very much appreciated, I'm literally clueless when it comes to scripting.

  2. Another idea I had was creating triggers covering towns, and setting up some kind of ForEach code whenever 'Box_NATO_Support_F' is detected within the trigger area, that would fire off that hostility code for each box there is. Again, this is all trivial, I don't know if it will work but I'm gonna keep trying.

  3. I've created a ghetto little workaround involving lots of triggers in one spot. Does anybody know the typical values of Civilian hostility in hostile/neutral/friendly environments? I would like to know so I can decide how much I want to update each sector per delivery. It would be nice if there was a debug for this sort of thing, which I'm sure there is, but I do not know of it.

  4. scale is -100 to 100, 0 being nuetral, -100 being no hostility.

  5. @SpyderBlack723 scale is -100 to 100, 0 being nuetral, -100 being no hostility.

    Thanks! Is there a way to check hostility levels of civilian objectives? Would I debug the civilian modules or the actual civilian objective module? Or do you happen to know the default starting value for a "High" hostility setting?

  6. turn on debug for asymm opcom

  7. Edited 8 years ago by dev614

    Awesome, thanks Spyder! I've got a good humanitarian-aid system thing going now, though now I'm slap happy with this whole thing. Is there a way to add a group to the force pool via code? I want to get a logistics ring running, rewarding the player for delivering ammunition and supplies to FOBs and checkpoints, and I'd be using the same system I did with the civilian-aid, I just need a code to add groups to the logistics force pool.

    EDIT: Scratch that, I found it. Though I was wondering, is there a way to show civilian hostility levels where I'm at in game without having the debug on?

    Also, didn't think to ask this before, is the hostility corresponding to hostility against BLUFOR or against ASYMM commander in the debug?


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