Planes not moving when called for CAS support?

  1. 8 years ago

    I know @marceldev89 submitted a fix in 1.3.0 to correct the problems with planes not taking off when called for CAS, but 1.3.0 hasn't improved it on my end. It's still happening (with mods at least. No AI mods though. Just RHS).

    I'm going to run some tests to see if I can get a clean vanilla repro, but is anyone else having problems with this? Helicopters are fine but planes, take the orders and start their engine but never move.

  2. Edited 8 years ago by marceldev89

    You keep mixing up @highhead and me ^^

    The fix did go in as far as I can tell. Can you try with vanilla planes?

    EDIT: Oops, missed that you were going to do some vanilla tests... :D

  3. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    @marceldev89 You keep mixing up @highhead and me ^^

    The fix did go in as far as I can tell. Can you try with vanilla planes?

    Eek! I apologize. I don't know what the hell is wrong with me. :( I've had a lot going on IRL, mostly of the not good variety, and my mind gets a bit fluttery because it's in a million places at once. Sorry about that.

    Yes for sure I will run some vanilla tests later and see what's what. The only reason I ask is because even before the fix vanilla kinda worked off and on so testing it even then was kind of a pain and hard to repro (though HH was able to catch it). But I have a test mission all setup for later. Fingers crossed I can catch it.

  4. No worries, there are worse things than that. ^^

  5. I noticed this last night with the CUP harrier. The first time I called it there was no problems it took off quickly and flew to where I wanted it, I told it to RTB and it did, and managed to land without crashing.

    After that though despite several attempts I couldn't get it to take off again. I even tried moving it back to the start of the runway via zeus, but no dice.

  6. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Ok so I made a vanilla test on Stratis and could not repro. Put the same test on CLAFGHAN and the plane will not take off after receiving orders. Perhaps it's a CUP runway object issue? I'd have to look further but that's my first guess.

    EDIT: I'll post the mission incase anyone is curious. BRB.

  7. Well I had the issue using the little island top right of Sahrani. So that fits your thinking.

    Although I would assume if it's a map issue then they wouldn't take off the first time?

  8. Mine doesn't take off the first time.

  9. Yeah see I had no issue the first time. I'll do some more testing when I get home.
    Would be nice to finally have so dependable air support


    Requires ALiVE, CBA, CUP Terrains Core/Maps/CWA, CLA CLAFGHAN (from Workshop).

    I did have a one-off issue on my Stratis test where upon RTB orders, the plane wouldn't land. After around 10 min I gave up. He just kept circling the base. I had BCR heli support coming in around the same time at the same base, so could be related. In my other Stratis tests he RTB'd just fine. In another Stratis test I got a message he couldn't complete the attack, though for all I know that's normal if he can't find enemies in an area, or hell, because of how small Stratis is.

  11. 7 years ago

    @JD_Wang did you get a chance to see if you can repro with vanilla units/mods on any other CUP map? I'm going on the presumption here that something about the runway object is messing with planes, but I'll need to confirm. I think CUP has a couple different runway classnames, but I'd have to check that to be sure.

  12. I was playing around again with Sahrani last night, and it seems very inconsistent.
    My aircraft is stationed on the little island to the North.

    Last time I tried it, it took off fine landed ok and then stopped in the middle of the runway and wouldn't take off again. However last night it took off/landed fine, taxied back to it's start point just fine and then automatically took off again on it's own.

    I'll keep working on it this weekend and see if I can narrow anything down.

  13. It'll work, if you believe harder

  14. -image-


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